Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bodyrock.tv: Sweat is Sexy - 400 reps workout

So this week theme supposedly beating my own personal record workout. Unfortunately, I was kinda failed on this one :(

Last time I completed this 400 reps in 29:12 (but I didn't do the jump after the push ups, which explained why I was a bit faster, and I used a pair of 8lbs dumbbells for the sandbag full body).

This time I did the full burpee and I used 21lbs backpack for the sandbag fullbody workout. It made A BIG DIFFERENCE whether I did the jump or not.

Workout breakdown (Repeat 4 times)
1. One Leg Jump Up (10 reps each leg)
2. Sandbag Full body Exercise (20 reps) - I used 21lbs backpack this time
3. Crossed Leg Push Ups and Jump (or Crossed Ankle Burpee) (20 reps -alternating legs)
4. Snowboarder - 20 reps
5. One Leg Bridge and Star Crunch (20 reps - alternating legs)

My time was 31:22.

I don't think I could really compare this time with the last one as I did this workout 100% correct.

Or maybe I am just looking for an excuse?

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