Saturday, October 15, 2011 Mission Abs Possible 2

Another old workout revisited!

Warm up: 1 minute double unders, push ups, lunges, knee raises

Workout breakdown:
10 sec off / 50 sec on for 20 rounds.
1. Sandbag Squat (20lbs backpack) 25-19-18-19
(old: 18-12-13-14 - used a pair of 10lbs dumbbells)

2. Knee Raises 25-21-20-20
(old 18-16-14-15 - no dip station- did leg raises from the floor)

3. Crossed Leg Push Ups (Alternating legs - deep push ups!) 14-13-14-12
(old 16-16-16-16 - not so deep push ups)

4. One Leg Lift and Toe Touch (all regular forms!) 27-25-23-27
(21-23-21-22 - altered between beginner & regular modes)

5. Flying Jump Lunge 23-23-23-22
(old 21-20-22-20)

5 Burpees for Erin

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