Wednesday, November 2, 2011 Young Buns Workout 2

An older workout revisited. Let's see if I could beat my old scores!

Workout breakdown:
Each workout took 4 minutes (set the timer to 4:00 minutes countdown) and did as many reps as possible.

1. Sumo squat and Lift
55 (old: 16 reps modified the lift by leg raise/star crunch/butt lift combo)

2. Sandbag Double Lunge (Left leg) 20 lbs backpack (I hold it on my back instead on one hand like Zuzka did)
41 (old: 33.5 reps with 15lbs backpack)

3. Sumo High Knees
174 (old: 174 reps)

4. Sandbag Double Lunge (Right leg)
38 (old: 33.5 reps)

Extras: 10 Burpees, 15 Pistols (each leg)

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