Monday, November 22, 2010

Bodyrock tv: 550 reps fat massacre

A new name for an old workout. This one is basically the 550 killer reps, one of Zuzana's older workout. I did this workout twice before.

However, this time I managed to beat all my personal best!!

Today I completed this workout in 24:31 !!!! WOOT

Not only that, I managed to do ALL 50 PUSH UPS on my toes (with still some mini breaks in between to stretch my wrists a bit) and didn't take much breaks in between sets. What an accomplishment! I am kinda proud of myself and finally I could see that I actually made a lot of fitness progress for the past 2 months!

11 exercises - 50 reps each

1. Backward Lunge Kick Up (25 reps on each leg)
2. Walk Over Push Ups (50 reps)
3. Mountain Climber (50 reps)
4. Sumo Squats Knee Up (50 reps)
5. One Leg Bridge Leg Lift (25 reps on each leg)
6. Side to Side Squat Leg Lift (50 reps)
7. One Arm Side Push Ups (25 reps on each side)
8. Star Crunch (50 reps)
9. Diagonal Touch Down (25 reps on each side)
10. Side Plank Lifts (50 reps)
11. One Leg Wall Sits (25 reps on each leg)

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