Another fun workout day at
LBKC! I was super pumped today that I actually stayed for 2 classes!
First class was a group workout and combined with CrossFit peeps. We were divided into 4 different groups. Each group has about 4 people.
Each part took about 6 minutes so we got total 24 minute workout. Within 6 minutes, 2 people in a group will rotate doing the workout so nobody would just stand around waiting for the other to be done.
Workout #1:
Part 1: 6 minute AMRAP
60 yard turf run/sprint
Part 2: 6 minute AMRAP
- 50x jump rope (singles) / 25x double unders
- 10x KB Swing or 5x One Arm Snatch -each side (I did snatch with 15 lbs.)
- 10x push ups
Part 3: 6 minute AMRAP
- 150lbs sled push (20 yards)
- 10x air squats
Everytime the sled returned to the starting point, everyone in group did squats. Once someone finished the squats, do another sled push. Rinse and repeat until time runs out.
Part 4: 6 minute AMRAP
- 30 sec weighted step ups (I used a pair of 20lbs DBs)
- 30 sec burpee
It was quite a fun workout. I was about to leave but then when I saw the 10am KB class focusing more on weights, I decided to stay.
Workout #2:
4 Rounds:
- 10x One Arm KB Swing (each side) - I used 18lbs KB
- 10x One Arm Snatch (each side)- I finally could do full snatch, both sides! (18lbs KB)
- 8x TRX Pistol Squats (each leg) - I did unassisted pistols
- 8x Alt. Double Shoulder Press - used a pair 15lbs KB
- 8x Renegade Rows (each side) - used a pair 22lbs KB
3 sets of 10 reps barbell hip thrust (50lbs?)