Saturday, May 31, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Various Mobility Warm up

BB Deadlift / standing side hip abduction 20@each
45lbs x 15 - mobility warm up
95lbs x 12- warm up
120 x 8
120 x 9 - HARD last rep
120 x 8

BB Front Squat / OH Situp (Get up and slowly coming down while holding a weight plate overhead)
45lbs x 10 - activation set
75lbs x 10 /10lbs x10
80lbs x 8- hard! / 10x10
80lbs x 8 / 10x10

BB Hip Thrust on bench (hold top ) /seated heavy band hip abduction 20-30
135 x 12 - activation
3x165 x 8 - singles

Plate Walking Lunges / Plate single leg RDL
3x25lbs x 20 / 3x25lbs x 12@each

45° Single Leg Hyper Ext

Seated Leg Curl

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Back, Shoulders, Arms and Core and Light Butt

Rear delt flys / peck deck flys
35 x 15 / 45lbs x 15
2x40lbs x 12 / 2x50lbsx12

BB Row / med band standing hip abdct 20-30@each
40lbs x 15 warm up
60 x 12
60 x 10
60 x 10

Machine assisted Pullup (started off w less assistance then more assistance)
30lbsx 6-> 40lbs x 6 -> 50x3 (15 reps total)
30lbsx 6-> 40lbs x 6 -> 50x3 (15 reps total)

Wide Lat Pulldown (weight @each side)
3x45lbs x 8

Seated DB Arnold Press / reverse crunch
3x15lbs x12 / 3x12

Standing DB Front shoulder Press (palm facing front/ reverse hyper on bench
3x15lbs x 10 / 3x15

BB Close Grip Tris Bench Press / Standing BB Curl
50lbs x 10 / 20lbs x 12
50lbs x 8 / 20lbs x 10
50lbs x 8 / 20lbs x 10

Standing DB Lateral Delt Raise / Standing DB Hammer Curl / Decline SitUps (#2)
3x7.5lbs x 15 / 3x10lbs x 12 / 3x15

Butt & glute floor works
Stability Ball Glute Bridge 3x15
Bird Dog 3x12@each

Core & Abs
3x10 breaths Chaturanga hold
3x 20-30 breaths RKC plank
3x20-30 breath side plank hold @each

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

20 minute countdown walk/sprint

20 min walk/sprint HIIT

9 sets various light glute activations

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Various Mobility Warm up

BB Deadlift / standing side hip abdct 20@each
95lbs x 12- warm up -ok!
115 x 8
115 x 10
120 x 8 - NEW PR!

BB Rev Lunge / BB RDL
3x70lbs x 12@each / 3x70lbs x 12

BB Back Squat / 20-30 breaths plank hold
80lbs x 10
85lbs x 8
85lbs x 8-paused at bottom a bit - hard but doable!

BB Hip Thrust (hold top ) /seated heavy band hip abdct 20-30
155 x 12 - 5 risers
185 x 10 - 5 risers
185 x 10- singles last 3 (5risers)
2x 205 x 10- singles last 2-3 reps (3 risers)

Seated Leg Curl
4x55lbs x 12 ( last set moved diwn to 50lbs last 3 reps to get full ROM)

Monday, May 26, 2014

20 minute interval high knees jump rope with plank knee rollin as rest

1" on / 1:30" off - 8 rounds
High knees jump rope 1"
Plank knee slide in on rest

Average HR 130bpm
Max HR 154bpm

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Kettlebell Circuit Workout

Intv 45"on / 20" rest x3
Double KB Sumo dead (44lbs @each arm)
Double KB bent over Row (25lbs @each)
1 Arm jerk (L) 22.5lbs
1 Arm jerk (R) 22.5
Goblet Rev Lunge - jump lunge 22.5lbs
Windmill (L) 18lbs
Windmill (R) 18lbs
Reverse crunch

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Various Mobility Warm up

BB Deadlift / standing side hip abdct 20@each
95lbs x 12- warm up -ok!
105x 10
2x115 lbs x 8

BB Back Squat / 20-30 breaths plank hold
3x80lbs x 8- paused at bottom a bit below parallel- hard but doable!

BB Glute Bridge (2 risers) -hold / standing med band hip abdct 20-30@each
135 x 29
165 x 15
185 x 12
205 x 10
185 x 12

BB RDL / BW Bulg Split Squat
3x75lbs x 12 / 3x12@each

Prone Lying Leg Curl
3x55lbs x 12

Note: Low key workout - hip crease & adductors are tight

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Back, Shoulders and Arms & Core Stability and Light Glutes

Prone incline DB Rear delt flys / incline DB chest fly
3x7.5lbsx12 / 3x 10-12.5lbsx12

BB Row / med band sumo walk 20@each direction
2x60lbs x10 hard last 2 reps

Machine assisted Pullup (started off w less assistance then more assistance)
25lbs x 4 -> 35lbs x 5 -> 45lbs x 6
25lbs x 6 -> 35x3->45x4

Standing DB Arnold Press / Decline Sit Ups
3x12.5lbs x 15 / 3x15

Standing DB Front shoulder Press (palm facing front/ reverse hyper on bench
3x12.5lbs x 12 / 3x 15

Standing DB Lateral Delt Raise / Standing DB Alt Biceps Curl
3x7.5lbs x 15 / 3x10lbs x 12

Lying DB Triceps Ext / Seated DB Hammer Curl
3x10lbs x12- hard last 2 reps / 3x10lbs x 12

Butt & glute floor works
Stability Ball Glute Bridge 3x12
Lying side hip abdct 3x30@each
Bird Dog 3x12@each

Core & Abs
3 rounds
30-40 sec RKC plank (20-30 breaths)
20-30 breath side plank hold @each
20 plank knee tucks

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

20 minute countdown walk/sprint

A great way to start off my Hump Day!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Various Mobility Warm up

BB Deadlift / standing side hip abdct 20@each
95lbs x 12- warm up -ok!
110lbs x 10
115 lbs x 7 - lost concentration last rep- need to watch out!
115 x 8 - WOOT!!

BB Split Squat
3x70 x 12@each

BB Back Squat
3x80lbs x 8- paused at bottom a bit below parallel- hard but doable!

BB Hip Thrust (bench) -hold top / seated heavy band hip abct
145 x 12
3x165 x 8
145x12- hard finisher- more singles

Note: hip thrust felt challenging today

3x75lbs x 12

Seated Leg Curl
55lbs x 15

Leg Ext

Monday, May 19, 2014

20 minute interval KB Swing with plank knee rolls as resting

1:30 hard effort 35lbs KB Swing / 1 min low intensity sliding plank knee tuck w a rug - 8x

Stability Ball Rollout /various BW Glute activation
3x12 / 3x15-20

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Kettlebell Circuit Training

3 Rounds (1 min each)
Battle Rope
KB Bear Crawl (44lbs @each)
Hand to Hand Jerk (22.5lbs)
Sled wrestling (130lbs)
Tire Flip (120lbs)
Mace Grave Digger (30 sec@each)
KB OH Situp (18lbs)

Core stability stuff (planks)

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Glutes & Legs

I'm giving my upper left back another rest today so no Deadlifts or lifting any heavy stuff horizontally. I should be ok by Tuesday, hopefully.

Warm up
Mobility drill
Bw squat

BB Hip Thrust (bench) / band abduction
2x135 x 12 - warm up
2x155lbs x 10
2x165lbs x 8

Bench was totally harder but I focused on the full ROM - so I let the BB plates touched the ground before I lifted up with my hips. Obviously couldn't go too heavy - even with 165lbs - I started to feel my quads and inner thighs to get burn towards the end of last 3 reps, which means I started to lose tension on my butt. I think I'll try using bench from now on and work my weight up from here again.

BB Back Squat / 30 breath plank hold
80lbs x 10
80 x 8 -hard last 2 reps
80 x 10

BW Bulgarian Split Squat

Single Standing Leg Press on pullup machine / one Leg RDL (hold 1 plate)
3x60lbsx12 @each / 3x25lbs x 12@each

All Leg Press machines were in use so I had to improvise using the Machine assisted pull up to do a single leg press (standing)

Lying Leg Curl
3x55lbs x 12 ( moved down 50lbs last 3 reps 3rd set)

One Leg 45° Hyper Ext

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Back, Shoulders and Arms

Rear Delt flys / peck deck flys
3x35lbs x 15 / 3x50lbsx15

BB row / standing med band hip abdct 20@each
50lbs x 15 - warmup
4x60lbs x10 hard last 2 reps

Machine assisted Pullup
55lbs x 15. - too easy
50lbs x12 - a bit easy
45lbs x 12 - moderate
45lbs x 12 - hard last 2 reps

Hammer Wide Lat Pulldown
3x40lbs x 12

Standing DB Arnold Press / One Leg Hip Thrust
12.5lbs x 15 / 15@each
12.5lbs x 12 / 15@each
12.5lbs x 12 / 15@each

Standing DB Front shoulder Press (palm facing in) / reverse hyper on bench
3x12.5lbs x 12 / 3x 15

Standing DB Lateral Delt Raise / Standing DB Biceps Curl / decline Sit ups (#3)
3x7.5lbs x 15 / 3x7.5lbs x 12 / 3x15

Lying DB Triceps Ext / Standing DB Hammer Curl
2x7.5lbs x 15 / 2 x 10lbs x 12

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

30 min countdown walk/sprint HIIT

10 minute warm up walk

20 minute walk/sprint HIIT

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Warm up
Mobility drill
Bw squat
Mobility glute activation

BB Hip Thrust (5 risers) - iso hold last rep seated heavy band hip abdct 20-25x
135 x 15 warm up
165 x 12
185 x 10
205 x 8
185 x 10
165 x 12
135 x 20 - finisher

Focused on full ROM- butt touching ground

BB Back Squat / V up hold 20 -30 breaths
3x80lbs x 8 - paused bottom - heavy sets!

BW Bulgarian Split Squat/ side plank hold
3x12@each /3x20-30 breaths @each

Leg Press (feet shoulder width-toes pointed straight fwd)
70lbs x 15- light
80lbs x 12- heavy
80lbs x 12 - heavy

Lying Leg Curl
4x55lbs x 12 (last set moved down to 52.5-50lbs)

Leg Extension / BW One Leg RDL
60lbs x 15-light / 15@each
3x65lbs x 12-good weight /15@each

One Leg 45° Hyper Ext

Monday, May 12, 2014

20 min countdown HIIT high knees jump rope

Focused more on speed jump & an all out
Average skips 100-150

Rest as needed- until HR back normal aka no pounding head heartbeat anymore

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Back, Shoulders, Arms

Rear delt flys
30lbs x 15
3x35lbs x 12

BB row / standing med band hip abdct 20@each
40lbs x 15 - warmup
3x60lbs x12 - hard last 2 reps

Hammer Wide Lat Pulldown
4x40lbs x 12

Seated Cable Row (weight on@side)
22.5lbsx 15- light
3x27.5lbs x 12

Standing DB Lateral Delt Raise / Standing DB Biceps Curl
3x7.5lbs x 15 / 3x7.5lbs x 12

Lying DB Triceps Ext / Seated DB Hammer Curl
3x7.5lbs x15 / 3x7.5lbsx12

Standing DB Front Delt Raise
7.5lbs x 15 - very light
3x10lbs x 12 - good weights

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Glutes and Legs (pulled upper left trap on Friday..again!)

Warm up
Mobility drill
Bw squat

Mobility glute activation

BB Hip Thrust (5 risers) - iso hold last rep / seated heavy band hip abdct 20-25x
135 x 15 warm up
165 x 12
185 x 12 -singles last 2
205 x 8 - heavy
205 x 8 - heavy

BB Split Squat (Back style)
3x70lbs x 12@each - front left leg had less balance

BB Front Squat (testing mid. upper left back)
75lbs x 10- mid upper left back tight!- ABORTED

BB Back Squat / V up hold 20 -30 breaths
3x75lbs x 10 -(4 sec hold bottom)

Leg Press
3x70lbs x 12

Lying Leg Curl
4x50-55lbs x 12

Stability Ball Leg Curl / Stability Ball Glute Bridge SS
3x12-15 / 3x12-15

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Back, Shoulders and Arms

Mobility Warm up
Shoulder stabilitation warm up
Wall slide

DB Incline Prone Rear Delt Raise / DB Incline Chest Fly
5lbsx 20-light / 10lbs x 15
7.5lbs x 15 / 10lbs x 15
7.5lbs x 15 / 10lbs x 15

DB bent Over Row (DB on each arm) /Med band Side Walk
20lbs x 15
3x25lbs x 12 - hard last 2 reps

Hammer Wide Lat Pulldown (weight @ each side) / standing side hip abdct 20x
4x40lbs x 12 - hard last 2-3 reps

Seated DB Shoulder Press / donkey kick 20@each
3x20lbs x 8 - heavy esp left arm

Standing DB Lateral Delt Raise / standing DB Biceps Curl
3x7.5lbs x20 / 3x7.5lbsx12

BB Close Grip Triceps Bench Press / DB Hammer Curl
3x40lbs x 15 / 3x7.5 x 12

BB Lying Overhead Tris Ext
3x20lbs x 12

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Glutes & Legs Workout

Warm up
Spin bike
Mobility drill
Bw squat

BB Reverse Lunge & back leg lift (back style)
55lbs x 12@each -warm up-leg lift
65lbs x 10@each-leg lift
70lbs x 10@each - no leg lift

BB Deadlift
105lbs x 10 - felt tough today
110lbs x 8- tough - mini break by 5th rep
110lbs x 8
110x 10 - pushed last 2

Note: stop go method

BB Back Squat / 20 breath plank hold
80lbs x 10
80 x 10 - hard last 2 reps
80 x 10

4x80lbs x 12- challenging grip on left

Bodyweight Feet & Shoulder elevated one leg hip thrust (used 5 risers & feet on bar across squat rack) hold top/ seated heavy band hip abdct 20x
4x15@each - super butt burn

Lying Leg Curl
50lbs x 14- felt light
60lbs-50lbs x 12 (down weight aft 6)- 60 still to heavy to get 12
50lbs x 12
50lbs x 12

Leg Extension
60lbs x 12
65lbs x 12
65lbs x 12

Stability Ball Leg Curl / Stability Ball Glute Bridge Superset
4x 12 / 4x12

Monday, May 5, 2014

25 min HIIT high knees jump rope / 10 ab wheel rollout

25 min countdown HIIT high knees jump rope / 10 ab wheel rollout

Got 7.5 rounds total (200-120 skips - downhill as round progressed-tired couldn't push much intensity twds end)

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Kettlebell Circuit Workout

3 Rounds
Burpee & KB Swing 44lbs x 10
Double KB Rows 25lbs x 10 (weight on each arm)
Bulgarian Split Squat 10@each side - this felt much easier and more balance than before!
1 Arm Clean & Press 22.5lbs x 10 @each - no rest just switch sides
Dbl KB Floor Press 20lbs x 10 2@each
Kb Russian Twist 20lbs x 20 @each

Time: 22:51

Stability Ball Leg curl / Stability Ball Glute Bridge
3 x 10-12 / 3 x 10-12

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Glutes & Legs Workout

Deadlift: I got to 110lbs for 8-10 reps!

Warm up
Mobility drill
Bw squat

BB Deadlift / side band hip abdct 20@each
95x12 warm up
105lbs x 10
110lbs x 8
110lbs x 8
110lbs x 8 - hard last rep
Note: stop n go method

BB Split Squat (Back style)
60lbs x 12@each - easy
65lbs x 12@each- not too hard
70lbs x 10@each -ok

BB Back Squat / 20 breath plank hold
80lbs x 10 - pushed last 2 reps
80x 9 - hard last rep
80 x 10- hard last 2 reps

BW Feet & Shoulder elevated one leg hip thrust (used 5 risers & feet on bar across squat rack) hold top/ seated heavy band hip abdct 20x
15@each - super butt burn

75lbs x 15 - focused on hammies
80lbs x 10- challenging grip on left
80lbs x 10
80lbs x 10

Lying Leg Curl
4x50lbs x 12

Leg Ext
3x65lbs x 12 - burn last 2-3 reps

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Back & Shoulders

Mobility Warm up

Rear Delt Flys/ peck deck flys
25lbs x 15 / 40lbs x 15 - easy
2x40lbsx12 / 2x55lbs x 12 - good

BB Row / Med band Side Walk
3x60lbs x 12

Seated Cable Row (weight @each side)
20lbs x 15 - light & easy
3x25lbs (added rubber weight) x 12
-hard last 2-3 reps

Hammer Wide Lat Pulldown
37.5lbs x 12 - ok not too heavy
40lbs x 12 - hard last 2-3 reps
40lbs x 12

Standing BB Front Shoulder Press / one leg hip thrust
40lbs x 12 / 15@each
40x12 / 15@each
40x10-tired! / 15@each

Seated DB Arnold Press (DB Each hand) / various lwr body mov't
3x15lbs x 12

BB Close Grip Triceps Bench Press / BB Biceps Curl
3x40lbs x 15 / 3x20lbs x 12