Sunday, June 30, 2013

Glutes & Legs Workout with Kettlebell Circuit

BB Glute Bridge
Set 1 - 85lbs x 20 reps
Set 2 - 85lbs x 20 reps - need to focus tightening glutes
Set 3 - 85 lbs x 20 reps - didn't get glute burn till last 5 reps

BB Deadlift
Set 1 - 75lbs x 10 reps - need to focus on keeping right toes on ground entire time
Set 2- 75lbs x 10 reps - better at keeping right toes grounded- focused on tracking knees outward
Set 3 - 75 lbs x 10 reps - better set. Felt stretch @ hamstrings & glutes

BB front squat
Set 1 - 50lbs x 12 reps - struggled last 2 reps - need to focus squeezing side glutes on top mov't
Set 2 - 50lbs x 12 reps - felt stronger pushing w quads on way up & tightening side glutes
Set 3 - 50lbs x 12 reps - could push thru more- might wanna try to pass 12 reps next time

Butt blaster
Set 1- 20 lbs x 20 reps @each - right glute felt more burn quicker & more than left
Set 2 - 20lbs x 20 reps @each- same
Set 3 - 20lbs x 20 reps @each - left didn't feel burn till last 5 reps - right struggled last 5 reps

I know I missed the lunges. To be honest, I kinda dislike lunges and its variations.

Kettlebell Class
Part #1: 20 min. AMRAP
1 rep Turkish Get Up @ each side - 20 lbs KB
10 reps clean & jerk aka Long cycle @each side - 18 lbs. KB
10 reps Sumo Deadlift & High Pull - 35 lbs. KB
10 reps diamond push up (half and half on knees and toes)

Part #2: Tabata style conditioning (10 sec rest/ 20 sec active for 8 rounds)
KB Swing (44 lbs. KB)
Plank hold (full plank-1/4 way down, 1/2 way down, all the way down)

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Back Workout

Warm Ups:
5 lbs. DB x 10 reps rhomboids exercise @each arm
5 lbs. DB x 10 reps side lateral raise
5 lbs. DB x 10 reps prone rear delt raise

BB Bent over row
Warm up set:
35lbs x 15 reps

Set 1- 45lbs x12 reps - moderate
Set 2 - 45lbs x 12 reps - struggled last 2
Set 3 - 45lbs x 12 reps - struggled last 2
Note: minimal rest between sets - rest time was only for logging the sets

DB One Arm Rows
Set 1 - 25 lbs x 12 reps @each - struggled last 2
Set 2 - 25 lbs x 12 reps @each - both arm struggled last 2 - almost didn't get full ROM for last 2 reps- might want to drop the reps
Set 3 - 25 lbs x 10 reps - left side got better reps than right- right struggled last 2

50lbs band assisted pull up (overhand grips)
Set 1 - 7 reps (struggled last 1 rep- didn't clear the bar over the chin)
Set 2 - 5 reps ( struggled last 2 reps)
Set 3- 4.5 reps ( very struggling reps)

5 min One Arm jerk + One arm snatch practice (18lbs KB)

It was quite a short workout today, only about 45 minutes, I think. I felt a little bummed that I couldn't even reach 8 reps for my assisted pull up. In fact the reps kept decreasing on the later sets.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Core/Abs + Fullbody bodyweight workout

  • 1 min front plank hold
  • 1 min side plank hold @each side
  • 10 stability ball rollout
  • 15 stability ball pass? (passing ball from hand to feet twice as 1 rep) -dunno the exact name
  • 20 plank w crossed knee tucks (2 knee tucks as 1 rep)
  • 10 straight leg raise at dip station
  • 10 superman plank (2 lifts= 1 rep)
  • SB situp - 20-25lbs x 10 reps
  • Shoulder taps x 20 reps (2 taps = 1 rep)
  • Lying side leg raises x10 reps ( 2 sides= 1 rep)

Fullbody Bodyweight workout
Single leg glute bridge
3 sets x20 reps @each - positioning right leg a bit further to get more burn on butt- felt around 10-15th reps /left felt a lot stronger

Skater squat
3 sets x 10 reps @each - used SB as stopping point for the bent leg- standing left leg had more balance than right

Bodyweight one leg RDL
3 sets x 10 reps @each - trying to focus on balancing & felt the stretch at hamstrings

Push Up (on knees)
3 sets x 10 reps - focused on keeping elbows close to body - not flaring up- tightened core & glutes - chest touching ground
- could do 3 full pu first 3 reps @3rd set

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Back and Shoulders

Warm ups:
  • 2.5lbs plate x 10 reps @each rhomboids
  • 2.5lbs plate x 10 reps @each side lateral raise
  • 2.5 lbs plate x 10 reps prone rear delt raise
  • 2.5 lbs x 10 reps prone trap raise
DB Chest supported Rows - aborted
Set 1 - 15 lbs x 15 reps - positioning was a bit awkward so switched to DB Bent Over-Rows instead

Db Bent Over-Rows
  • Set 1 - 15 lbs x 15 reps - db felt a bit awkward in positioning up & down
  • Set 2 - 15 lbs x 15 reps - kept DBs on sides and pulled from there- focusing on pulling from lats not arms
  • Set 3 - 20lbs x 15 reps - struggled last 3 esp left arm didn't get much ROM - might need to lower reps next set
  • Set 4 - 20 lbs x 12 reps - felt better ROM

*Front Lat Pull Down
Set 1 - 55lbs x 10 reps - for sm reason didn't feel burn on lats - more on arms?

Set 2 - 55 lbs x 10 reps - adjusted grips to be ahoulder width - felt a little bit on lats - left elbow felt a bit uncomfortable when pulling down

*just realized used wrong machine! It was Lat Pull Machine not Lat Pulldown!

Front Lat Pull Down (on lat pull down machine)
  • Set 1- 60lbs x 10 reps - felt pulling from lats more- left arm had weaker grip
  • Set 2 - 60lbs x 15 reps - pushed thru the last 3 reps. Might want to reduce reps to get more burn/focus pulling from lats not arms. Felt triceps burn when pulling. Left elbow felt a bit uncomfortable if pulling too low
  • Set 3 - 60lbs x 12 reps x focus more pulling from lats

DB Incline Press - switched to seated DB shoulder press for set 2 & 3
Set 1 - 15lbs x 10 reps - need to focus pressing back to bench so not curving in- left arm felt not as strong- might need to dial back the weight

Seated DB shoulder press
  • Set 2 - 15lbsx 10 reps - felt better than DB incline press
  • Set 3 - 15lbs x 10 reps - struggled last 2 reps

As usual, active rest in between sets were a bunch of various abs moves.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Light Glutes & Legs Workout

This morning my legs and glues were already FINE so I went to the gym :) The squat rack was being used the entire time so I had to refrain for my original plan doing hip thrust and BB deadlift.

One Leg Glute bridge
  • Set 1 - bw x 20 reps @each - right leg felt burn by 10th reps- had hardtime keeping the burn focus on glutes - felt around knees- left leg felt burn on booty by 14th reps- a little on knees
  • Set 2- 20lbs preloaded BB x 15 reps @each - right leg felt burn on quads - left felt some on glutes but stronger than right
  • Set 3 - bw x 20 reps @each - right leg could push more from glutes, still felt a bit on quads but not too much - left felt strong
  • Set 4 - bw x20 reps @each - right glute didn't feel burn until last 5 reps. Had hardtime not having quads took over. Left leg strong- didn't feel until last 2 reps

45° reverse hyper extension
Set 1-3 x 10 reps - felt burn on hamstrings & butt

Bb Front Squat
  • Set 1 - 45 lbs bar x 15 reps - struggled last 5
  • Set 2 - 50lbs (2.5lbs platex2) x 12 reps - struggled last 2
  • Set 3 - 50lbs x12 reps - struggled last 2
  • Set 4 - 50 lbs x 12 reps - struggled last 4

One Leg DB RDL
  • Set 1 - 30 lbs (2x15lbs)x 10 reps - had hardtime balancing
  • Set 2 - 30lbs x12 reps - balancing a bit better on standing left leg compared right
  • Set 3 - 30lbs x 12 reps - right leg had better balancing- left leg lost a bit balance at last 2

DB calf raises in between RDL sets
3 sets x 30lbs (2x15 lbs. DB) x 10-15 reps

DB Backward Lunges (did the knee up variation)
  • Set 1 - 30lbs (2x15lbs) x 15 reps @each - quads burning last 5 reps
  • Set 2 - 30 lbs x 15 reps @each - standing left side had hard time balancing last 3-5 reps
  • Set 3 - 30 lbs x 12 reps @each - only managed to 12 reps

Active rest in between sets: abs moves on the bench - seated bicycle, leg raises, jack knives).

Monday, June 24, 2013

Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Biceps + HIIT spin bike

Warm up

  • 2.5 lbs plate x 10 reps @each Rhomboids
  • 2.5 lbs plates x 10 reps Side lateral raise
  • 2.5 lbs plate x 10 reps Prone delt raise
  • 2.5 lbs. Plate x 10 reps Prone trap raise

BB incline press
  • Set 1 - 30lbs preloaded bb x 10 reps (mod. Heavy)
  • Set 2 - same bb x 10 reps
  • Set 3 - same bb x 10 reps - felt more power by pressing back against bench

DB One Arm Shoulder Press
  • Set 1 - 15 lbs x 10 reps (left arm struggled last 2 reps- right arm ok)
  • Set 2 - 15 lbs x 10 reps (left arm struggled last 3 reps)
  • Set 3 - 15 lbs x 10 reps (same)

Bodyweight overhead triceps ext (squat rack # 7 height)
  • Set 1 - bw x 10 reps (vid) - elbows are flaring out - need to tuck closer to body
  • Set 2 - bw x 12 reps (vid) - more burning on triceps esp by 10th rep
  • Elbows are more tucked in - head migh need to go under bar more?
  • Set 3 - bw x 12 reps - really pushing thru by 8th reps.

DB Alt. Biceps curls
  • Set 1 - 10lbs x 12 reps @each arm - biceps burn by 8th rep
  • Set 2 - 10lbs x 10 reps - struggledby 8th - only managed 10 reps
  • Set 3 - 10 lbs x 10 reps - same

HIIT spin bike: 20 mins (3-4 min rest- 1 min med resistance pedaling) about 5-6 rounds

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Back & KB Workout

Warm ups:
  • 5lbsx 10 reps @each rhomboids
  • 5lbs x 10 reps @each db side lateral raise
  • 5lbs x 10 reps @each db prone rear delt raise
  • 8lbs x 10 reps @each db bent-ov rows

EZ Curl Bar Bent over rows
  • Set 1 - 35lbs (15 lbs bar + 10lbs plate each) x 15 reps - easy
  • Set 2 - 35 lbs x 15 reps -same
  • Set 3 - 40lbs x 15 reps - started struggled last 3 reps
  • Set 4 - 45 lbs x 12 reps - struggled last 2 reps
  • Set 5 - 45 lbs x 12 reps same above
  • Set 6 - 45 lbs x 12 reps (started feel burn by 6th, struggled last 2 reps)

One Arm DB Row
  • Set 1 - 15 lbs x 15 reps @each - easy, felt like feather
  • Set 2- 20lbs x15 reps @each (struggled last 2 on right arm - both arm felt triceps burn)
  • Set 3 - 25 lbs x 12 reps ( right arm steuggled a bit more by 9th rep)
  • Set 4 - 25 lbs x 12 reps ( both arms struggled last 2 reps)
  • Set 5 - 25 lbs x 12 reps ( left arm less struggled than right - right arm had hard time completing last 2 reps)

KB Workout:
Part #1: Windmill
Set 1-3 - 20 lbs. x 3 reps @each side

Part #2: 15 min AMRAP (got 4 rounds in)
One Arm KB Swing - 30 lbs. x 8 reps @each side
One Arm KB Thruster - 20 lbs. x 8 reps @each side
KB Half Snatch- 20 lbs. x 8 reps @each side
Super Plank - 5 reps (elbow plank to full plank then do 1 push up)

Part #3: 2 min One Arm Jerk - 20 lbs @each side

Butt Blaster
  • Set 1 - no weight x 12 reps @each
  • Se 2-3- 20lbs x 10 reps @each - right leg struggled last 2
  • Set 4- 20lbs x 12 reps @each - pushed thru last 2 reps on right leg

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Glutes, Hamstrings, Legs & HIIT spin bike Workout

BB Glute Bridge
  • Set 1- 65lbsx20 reps - easy
  • Set 2 - 65lbs x20 reps -same
  • Set 3 - 70 x 30 - started felt booty burn by last 10 reps
  • Set 4 -75 lbs x 30 - more burn feeling by last 10
  • Set 5 - 80 x 30 - slowing down by 20th reps - pushed thru last 10
  • Set 6 - 85 x 20 - felt more tension on left glute!
  • Set 7 - 85 x 25- felt more even on both glutes - focusing squeezing both- more burn by 20th
  • Set 8 - 85 x 20 - same

BB deadlift
  • Set 1 - 65 lbs x20 - moderate easy felt more tension on left glute
  • Set 2 - 65 x 20 - same. Need to focus to keep right foot planted down - right toes has tendency to lift up a bit from ground
  • Set 3 - 75 lbs x 15 - arm felt tired holding bar by 10th rep
  • Set 4 - 70 x 17 - a bit better feeling
  • Set 5 - 70 x 15 - legs felt burning by 12 th rep
  • Set 6 - 70 x 15 - same

BB front Squat
  • Set 1 - 45 lbs. x 15 - struggled last 5 (nonstop reps)
  • Set 2 - 45 x 15 - same (nonstop reps)
  • Set 3 - 45 x 15 - same (nonstop reps)

KB side lunges
  • Set 1 - 15 lbs x 12 @each leg - inner thigh feels stretch depends how deep the lunge
  • Set 2 - 15 x 12 @ each leg - struggled last 2 esp right side/ left side felt stronger
  • Set 3 - 15 x 12 @ each leg - same

Butt Blaster
  • Set 1 - 20lbs x20 @each leg (right side- felt burn by 12th - booty burn + felt sm tension on knee joint- left side burn solely on glutes)
  • Set 2 - 20lbs x 20 @each ( Right leg felt more burn on glutes by shifting bodyweight twds left- struggled last 5- Left leg felt stronger didn't struggled till last 2)
  • Set 3 - 20 lbs x 20@ each leg ( Rright leg lost a bit focus at last 3 reps so felt burn on knees- L leg strong till last 2)

HIIT: 30 min. Spin bike (1 min MAX effort with medium resistance- 2-3 min. rest/easy pedaling)

Friday, June 21, 2013

Back, Shoulders & Biceps Workout

Warm ups

  • 2.5 lbs plate x 10 reps rhomboids exercise (each side)
  • 5 lbs plate x 10 reps side lateral raise
  • 5lbs plate x 10 reps prone rear delt raise

BB Bent-Over Row

  • Set 1- 40lbs preloaded BB x15 reps - moderate easy
  • Set 2 - same
  • Set 3 - same

Note: all 3 sets each nonstop -15 reps continuosly w proper forms- felt tension & burn on the lats- loose grips

DB One-Arm Row

  • Set 1 -20lbs x 15 reps (each arm)- felt more burn on triceps than lats? - struggled last 5 reps
  • Set 2 -20 lbs x15 reps (each arm)-
  • Set 3 - 25lbs x 12 reps - more challenging but doable (left a bit weaker than right but manageable)
  • Set 4 - 25lbs x 12 reps - struggled last 2
  • Set 5 - 25 lbs x 12 reps - struugled last 2 (left side struggled a bit more to get full ROM)

BB Incline Press

  • Set 1 - 30lbs preloaded BB x 12 reps - had to keep in mind to press up vertically even
  • Set 2 - 30 lbs x 12 reps - left arm felt struggling last 2-3 reps
  • Set 3 - 30 lbs x 12 reps - struggled last 2 reps

Alt. DB Biceps Curls

  • Set 1- 10lbs x 15 reps (moderate- could do full ROM entire reps - felt burn on biceps)
  • Set 2- 10lbs x 15 reps - same (isolated mov'ts solely on arms- no momentum on shoulders or body)
  • Set 3 - 10 lbs x 15 reps - biceps are super burned by 10th rep! Had to push last 3 reps!

Active rest in between sets and exercises: various abs moves on the bench - mainly 20 reps seated bicycle, seated leg raise, seated v ups, seated jack knives.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Glutes & Legs Workout

Hip thrust
  • Set 1- 45lbs BB bar x20 reps - easy
  • Set 2 - 55lbs BB x 20 reps -felt burn by 10 but still get full extension
  • Set 3- 65lbs BB x 20 reps - moderate- had hard time gettingbar over pelvis
  • Set 4- 95lbs BB x 10 reps - heavy- had to take break by 8th rep a bitp
  • Set 5 - 95lbs BB x 10 reps - heavy but didn't feel booty burn?
  • Set 6- 95 lbs BB x 10 reps - heavy

Front squat (3 risers to sit back)
  • Set 1 - 45lbs bar x 15 reps -struggled last 5 reps
  • Set 2 - 45lbs bar x 15 reps - struggled last 5
  • Set 3 - 50lbs (2.5x2 plates) x12 reps- struggled last 2 reps
  • Set 4 - 55lbs x 10 reps - struggled by last 3 reps
  • Set 5 - 60lbs x 8 reps - struggled last 3 reps

One Leg DB RDL
  • Set 1- 30lbs DB (2x15lbs) x15 reps (each leg) - easy to keep balance
  • Set 2 - 40lbsx15 reps each leg - moderate- right side felt more balance- felt a bit tightness on left glute
  • Set 3 - 40lbs x15 reps - more balance on left side (standing right leg)
  • Set 4 - 40lbs x15 reps - same above

Backward Lunge @20lbs DB each arm
  • Set 1- 40lbs x 12 reps @ each leg ( struggled last 3 reps)
  • Set 2 - 40lbs x 10 reps @ each leg ( struggled last 3)
  • Set 3 - 40 lbs x 10 reps - same above

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Shoulders & HIIT spin bike Workout

Today's workout was mainly Shoulders (Vertical and Horizontal Press) plus HIIT on spin bike for 30 minutes and this will be the last HIIT for me this week.

I logged everything per your instructions.

Standing BB Shoulder Press
  • Set 1 - 20 lbs preloaded BB x 15 reps - felt easy
  • Set 2 - 20 lbs preloaded BB x 15 reps - felt moderate
  • Set 3 - 30 lbs preloaded BB x 12 reps - struggled last 2 reps
  • Set 4 - 30 lbs preloaded BB x 12 reps - struggled last 2 reps
  • Set 5 - 30 lbs preloaded BB x 12 reps - struggled last 2 reps

Incline BB Shoulder Press
  • Set 1 - 20 lbs preloaded BB x 12 reps - felt moderate easy (started to feel the burn by 10th reps)
  • Set 2 - 20 lbs preloaded BB x 12 reps - felt easier now
  • Set 3 - 30 lbs preloaded BB x 10 reps - struggled last 2 reps
  • Set 4 - 30 lbs preloaded BB x 10 reps - struggled last 2 reps
  • Set 5 - 30 lbs preloaded BB x 10 reps - struggled last 3 reps

Alternating 1 Arm Standing DB Shoulder Press @15lbs each arm
  • Set 1 - 15lbs x 10 reps (each arm) - left arm struggled by last 2 reps / felt easy on right arm
  • Set 2 - 15 lbs x 12 reps (each arm) - mini break by 9th reps, pushed thru w left arm to last 2 reps
  • Set 3 -15 lbs x 12 reps (each arm) - mini break by 10th rep for left arm to catch up

Active rest: Around 1-2 mins - did some abs moves or shoulder mobility.

HIIT: 30 min spin bike (1 min moderate resistance - #15 with 2-3 min rest (4 min rest at last interval)- I think I made a mistake yesterday- it might not be #7 but instead #17).

Monday, June 17, 2013

Back Workout (Vertical & Horizontal Pulls) + 30 min HIIT spin bike

I'm going to log my workout religiously by indicating the actual reps/range that I did at the gym. Took a little effort to log everything whenever I finished the reps during active rest. This will give me a better idea to track my progress.

Warm up:
  • 500 m rowing (3:00)
  • 1 min plank hold
  • 30 sec RKC plank
  • 1 min side plank hold (each side)
Vertical & Horizontal Pulls Back Workout
  • 4 reps overhand grip pull up (from standing)
  • 3.5 reps overhand grip pull up (from standing)
  • 3.5 reps overhand grip pull up (from standing)
  • 5.5 reps close grip pull up (from standing)
  • 5 reps close grip pull up (from standing)
  • 4.5 reps close grip pull up (from standing)
  • 3 sets of 10 reps inverted body rows at BB Squat rack
  • 3 sets of 15reps 40lbs. preloaded BB Bent Over Rows (shoulder width grip)
Notes: I put 0.5 reps for the pull up when my chin didn't quite pass the bar.

For active rest in between sets, either I did mobility or some abs moves.

HIIT: Spin Bike for a total 30 minutes
  • 2min rest (1st 2 intv)
  • 3min rest (6 intv)
  • 1 min resistance #7 pedaling
  • Total 8 Rounds of max effort pedaling

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Glutes & Hamstring & KB HIIT Workout

I had a fantastic CN last night. It was proven by my today's performance at the gym doing my workout. I felt like I could just crush the heavy weights but I had to hold back as I still need to work on my forms.

Warm Up:
Glutes Activation Drills (clamshells, donkey kick, fire hydrant, bodyweight glute bridge, one leg glute bridge)
3 minute light resistance spin bike

Glutes & Hamstrings Workout:
1 set 15-20 reps BB Glute Bridge (95 lbs.)
3 sets 12-15 reps BB Glute Bridge (105 lbs.)
1 set 15 reps BB Hip Thrust (65 lbs.)
1 set 15 reps BB Hip Thrust (75 lbs.)
3 sets 12 reps BB Hip Thrust (95 lbs.)
3 sets 10 reps BB Deadlift (75 lbs.)

KB HIIT Workout:
Part #1: 15 min AMRAP
10 One Arm KB Cleans (20 lbs then moved to 22.5 lbs)- each arm
10 One Arm Jerk (each arm)
15 KB High Pull (30 lbs. KB)

I completed 4 rounds

Part #2: 3 Rounds (40 sec active/20 sec rest)
BB Front Squat
KB Swing (44 lbs)

Part #3: Abs Circuit (20 sec active/10 sec rest 8 Rounds)
Regular crunch (feet off the ground)
Russian Twist (15 lbs KB)
Jack Knives
Dive Bomber Push Up

My own finisher:
3 sets 12-15 reps Butt Blaster (20 lbs.)- each leg

Friday, June 14, 2013

Friday Core & Abs Short Workout

3 Rounds:
10 reps sliding in plank
10 reps elbow plank to full plank (altering sides)
20 reps side lying scissors + 10 reps toe touches (each side)
10 reps 25 lbs. sandbag sit up and stand up
20 reps triple knee ins

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Back, Chest and Triceps Workout

3 sets of 8-10 reps inverted bodyweight rows (I set BB a bit lower than usual)
3 sets 10-12 reps alt. bent over rows with 25lbs plate (each side)
3 sets 8 reps bench push up (alt between bench and BB squat rack)
3 sets 8-10 reps overhead triceps extension at BB squat rack

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Glutes & Legs Workout

Warm up:
  • 3-4 min spin bike with light resistance
  • 20 reps donkey kick (each side)
  • 15 reps fire hydrant (each side)
  • 15 reps one leg glute bridge (each leg)
  • 2 warm up sets of 15-20 reps BB hip thrust
  • 3 sets 15 reps BB hip thrust (55lbs)
  • 3 sets 12 reps BB hip thrust (65 lbs)
  • 3 sets 10 reps DB one leg RDL (2x20 lbs) - each leg
  • 2 sets 12 reps BB front squats
  • 3 sets 8 reps BB front squats (50 lbs) - with 2.5 lbs plates
  • 3 sets 8 reps DB Backward Lunge (2x20 lbs) - each leg

Monday, June 10, 2013

Upper Body Pull & Push Workout with HIIT

I had a great horizontal upper body pull and push workout plus HIIT on the spin bike.

  • 3 sets 10 reps inverted bodyweight rows on BB squat rack
  • 3 sets 10 reps 40 lbs preloaded BB bent over rows
  • 3 sets 8-10 reps bench push ups (keeping my elbow as close to my body as possible)
  • 3 sets 10 reps bodyweight overhead triceps extensions on BB squat rack

HIIT: 22 minutes spin bike (2-3 min rest with 1 min high pedaling)- roughly about 6-8 rounds total. I did 2 min rest for the first 2 intervals and did 3 min rest in between.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Back & Kettlebell Class Workout

I got up quite early today so I managed to get to LBKC to do some back workout prior the class. Before that I did a little warm up with 500m rowing. It was my first time recording LBKC workout so you could see how I paced myself during the circuit. This video showed my 2nd circuit.

So today's agenda:
  • 500m Rowing warm up
  • 3 sets of 8 reps assisted overhand grip pull up (2-3 minute rest in between sets)

Kettlebell Class Workout:
Part #1: 4 Rounds Circuit:
  • 20 reps KB Swing (44 lbs.)
  • 10 reps One Arm Snatch (20lbs) - each arm
  • 10 reps One Arm Press (20 lbs.) - each arm
  • 10 reps One Arm Jerk (20 lbs.) - each arm
  • 10 reps Double KB Front Squats (2x20lbs.)
  • 1 minute rest

My time: 25:49

Part #2: 2 Rounds
  • 3 reps Get Up/Sit Up (18 lbs.) - each side
  • 8 reps Arm Matrix (18 lbs.) - biceps curl - press - overhead triceps extension
  • 20 reps Mountain Climbers (each side)

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Glutes, Legs and HIIT Workout

Happy Saturday.

It's totally June gloom down here. The sun didn't come out until late afternoon.

I had a great Glutes & Legs workout today. I spent some time figuring out the weights for BB Glute bridge. Apparently 95lbs felt quite light. I could easily crank out 15 -20 reps with that.
I wonder if I could up the weight for BB glute bridge. I only dared enough to add another 5lbs on each side to make it 105lbs and did an extra set with it.

Warm up:
  • 3 minute spin bike
  • 20 reps donkey kick (each leg)
  • 20 reps fire hydrant (each side)
  • 15 reps one leg glute bridge (each leg)

  • 2 warm up sets of 20 reps BB glute bridge (65 lbs)
  • 3 sets 12-15 reps BB glute bridge (95 lbs)
  • 1 set 15 reps BB glute bridge (105 lbs)
  • 3 sets 12 reps BB deadlift (75 lbs)
  • 3 sets 10-12 reps BB front squat (no weights)
  • 3 sets 12 reps double KB walking lunges (2x15 lbs)- each leg
  • 3 sets 10-12 reps weighted donkey kick on glute flexor machine (each leg) - 20lbs

HIIT: 30 min spin bike (1-3 min rest, 30-40 sec high intensity pedaling with some resistance)

I am doing HIIT a bit differently now. Instead of having a total prescribed 2 min off/1 min on for the entire 30 minutes, I rather go by how I feel. If I feel I could push for an entire minute then I did it. If I could only managed to do full 30sec an all out then so be it. Resting time is based on when my heartrate starts to fall back to normal. From today's observation, my best bet to do my MAX effort was 30-40 sec. When I was fresh, I could do a total 1 minute.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Back, Shoulders and Arms Workout

Since I was working from home today, I decided to do my Carb Nite. That means I needed to work on pushing iron at the gym!!

  • Practicing overhand grip pull ups) - didn't count the sets just tried my best to pull myself up and did negative unassisted
  • 3 sets 10 reps reverse body rows on BB squat rack
  • 3 sets 12 reps alternating One Arm Row (25lbs plate)- each arm
  • 3 sets 10 reps alternating One Arm Shoulder Press (15lbs DB) - each arm
  • 3 sets 10-12 reps elevated feet bench triceps dips
  • 3 sets 10 reps alternating biceps curls (12lbs DB)- each arm

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Active Rest Day with some Mobility & Push Ups

Today was kind of an active rest day - I did rhomboids mobility exercises using 2.5 lbs DB bar at home (I have adjustable DBs but didn't put any plates there).

  • 3 sets of 10 reps rhomboids mobility (each arm)
  • 3 sets of 12 reps full push ups

Wow! I think I could hold my push up form a lot better than before and could do straight 12 reps not from a bench anymore.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Back & Shoulders Workout

  • Practicing wide grip negative pull up (assisted on the way up)
  • 3 sets 10 reps reverse body rows on BB squat rack (I finally could push to 10 reps!- used to only be able to do 8)
  • 3 sets 10 reps alternating one arm bent over row (25 lbs plate- each arm)
  • 3 sets 10 reps alternating DB shoulder Press (15 lbs DB-each arm)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Lower Body Workout: Glutes & Quads

  • 3 sets 20 reps BB hip thrust (just the bar itself)
    I tried to add 5lbs weight on each side but then I had trouble getting the BB off from my lap to rack it, had to push off the plates off the bar.
  • 3 sets 10 reps BB front squat (squatting wasn't a problem. I think I felt not used to have the bar sitting on my shoulders
  • 3 sets 12-15 reps 15lbs DB side lunges (each side) - I know I could lift 20lbs but I wanted to focus more on my forms

HIIT: 18 min spin bike (2 min rest/1 min max effort) - I was aiming for 30 minutes but by 15 min into the interval, my legs were just fried and couldn't keep up my high pedaling throughout the entire 1 min so I stopped at 18 min mark.