Saturday, November 8, 2014

Glutes & Legs 15 minute HIIT track field

Mobility Warm Up (Jane Fonda Butt Floor works)

BB Hip Thrust (3 risers) / standing side hip abdct 30@ea
155lbs x 20 - warmup (butt fired up crazy)
225lbs x 12
245lbs x 8
255lbs x 6

BB Sumo Deadlift
95lbs x 8
100lbs x 8
100lbs x 8

BB Back Squat
3x80lbs x 10

Hard 10 reps esp last 2-3 reps

Lying One Leg Curl
30lbs x 12@ea leg

BB Side Lunges
20lbs x 15@ea
20lbs x 12@ea

45° DB Hyper Ext
2x30lbs x 15

1 DB Bulg Split Squat
2x20lbs x 10@ea

15 min HIIT trackfield

Part#1: 5 mins
30 sec run / 30 sec walk x 5
Av run distance: 100-115m

Part#2: 10 mins
1 min run / 1 min walk x 5
Av run distance: 220-250m

Friday, November 7, 2014

KB BOLT testing + Jane Fonda Butt Workout

AM: Jane Fonda Butt Workout

Standing Side Hip Abdct 2x20@ea
SS:Quadruped Leg Swing 20@each/ fire Hydrant 20@ea
Reverse Hyper 20x

PM: KB BOLT test lifts
10 min
One Arm Snatch
10kg x 120

3 min rest

10 min
One Arm Jerk
10kg x 136

No breaks while lifting just switching arms

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Chest, Back and Arms + 3x30 bodyweight glute works

Mobility Warm Up

DB Bent Over Rear Delt Raise

BB Row
55lbs x 12
65lbs x 12
70lbs x 10 - new weight

DB Incline Chest Fly

Cable Wide Lat Pulldown
50lbs x 12 - too light
60lbs x 12 - ok but still light
75lbs x 12 - ok

One Arm DB Floor Press
3x20lbsx12@ea arm

DB One Arm Row
3x30lbs x 10@ea arm


Plate Glute Bridge
3x25lbs x 30

Assisted Pullup Practice
6 (last 3 on machine)

Chin Up practice
5 (first 2 unassisted)

Bodyweight Overhead Triceps Ext

Cable Triceps Rope Pushdown
10lbs x 12
15lbs x 12-too heavy
10lbs x 15

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Active Rest Day: Zuzka 12 min Jump Rope Cardio + Jane Fonda Butt Works + Core/Abs

Zuzka's 12 min Jump Rope Cardio:

50” on / 10” off x 12 rounds
Basic JR
Competition Burpee
Side to side JR
Jump squat & touchdown alt arms
Jumping jack JR
Rev Lunge & front kick (alt leg)
Scissors JR
Crab & kick up
High Knees JR
Mt Climbers
JR w double unders
Plank Jacks

Jane Fonda Butt Workout
Reverse Hyper on stability ball 30x
SS#1: med band Fire Hydrant 30&ea / clams 30@ea
SS#2: Quadruped Straight Leg Pulse 30@ea / quadruped Straight Leg Back Kick 30@ea

Abs & Core:
3 rounds:
Elbow side plank & lift 10@ea side
Elbow plank side walk 20x total
Full plank w knee tuck 20x total

Total workout: 30 mins

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Mobility Warm Up (5-10mins)

DB PliƩ Squat / assisted pullup
50lbs x 20 / 1
50lbs x 20 / 1
55lbs x 20 / 1

BB Hip Thrust (4 risers) - mini pyramid - resting only for switching weights
195lbs x 15
215lbs x 12
235lbs x 10
215lbs x 12
195lbs x 15 - singles last 5

Leg Press / assisted pullup
100lbs x 12 / 2
100lbs x 10 / 2
100lbs x 10 / 3 (machine)

1 DB One Leg RDL + Rev Lunge Combo
2x25lbs x 10@ea

Seated Leg Curl / Bodyweight Static Side Lunge
65lbs x 12 / 20@ea

Cable Standing Leg Curl

Cable Standing Back Kick

Monday, November 3, 2014

Active Rest Day: Jane Fonda Butt Works & Zuzka Power Yoga #2

Warm Up:
Jane Fonda Butt Floor Works

Zuzka Power Yoga #2

Workout Breakdown (modified Part 1 to skip the weird jump)

Part #1
Sun Salutation to chair pose 10x

Part #2
2 rounds of:
1. Chair pose with side leg lift x 20
2. Hold chair pose for 20 seconds
3. Windmill x 5 (each direction)

Part #3
1. Crescent pose to knee up x2 to Warrior 3 x 5 sets on left leg
2. Windmill x5 (each direction)
3. Crescent pose to knee up x2 to Warrior 3 x 5 sets on right le

Sunday, November 2, 2014

KB Circuit

5" on / 20" off x 3 rounds
Dbl cleans
Dbl jerk
Push up to side plank
1/2 Getup + spartan sit (R)
1/2 Getup + spartan sit (L)
1 arm half snatch (R)
1 arm half snatch (L)
Slingshot (KN circling body)

8kg for getup & double jerk
10kg for the rest

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Glutes & Legs + 12 min HIIT track field

Mobility Warm Up

BB Hip Thrust (3 risers) / front & side heavy band walk
185lbs x 15 - warmup /40
3x235lbs x 12 / 3x40

BB Deadlift / hanging on a pullup bar
100lbs x 10
100lbs x 8
100lbs x 10 - singles last 2 reps

BB Front Squat (paused at bottom)
3x80lbs x 8 ( hard last 2 reps)

BB RDL / 2DB Bulg Split Squat
85lbs x 12 / 10lbs x 10@ea
85lbs x 12 / 10lbs x 10@ea

Lying One Leg Curl / 1 DB Static Side lunge
2x30lbs x 12@ea / 2x10lbs x 15@ea

45° DB Hyper Ext
2x30lbs x 15

12 min sprint HIIT
60m x 10 sec x 3 rounds
109m-160m x 20sec-1min x 6 rounds

Friday, October 31, 2014

KB Complex at Home Workout

3 rounds:
20x Dbl Cleans
10x Dbl half snatch
10x Dbl kb press
10x Dbl c & j
10x Rev body rows
Rest 1 min

Used 15lbs on all lifts
Total time: 25 mins
Planned not to put bells down in circuit but didn't happen
Workout felt tough
Delts & Tris were burnt

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Chest, Shoulders & Arms

Mobility Warm Up

Jane Fonda Butt Floor Works

Prone Incline DB Rear Delt Flys
7.5lbs x 15 / One Leg Hip Thrust (bench) 1x30@each
2x7.5lbs x 15

DB Incline Chest Flys
12.5lbs x 12 / One Leg Hip Thrust (bench) 1x30@each
2x12.5lbs x 12

Assisted Pullup practice
2 reps

Hammer Incline Chest Press
25lbs x 10 / Assisted Pullup practice 2 reps
27.5lbs x 8 /Assisted Pullup practice 2 reps
27.5lbs x 8 / Assisted Pullup practice 2 reps

One Leg Hip Thrust (bench)

BB Close Grip Bench Press
45lbs x 12 /Assisted Pullup practice 2 reps
45lbs x 10 / Assisted Pullup practice 2 reps
45lbs x 10

Machine assisted pullup (10lbs)
3 / 2

DB Incline Lateral Delt Raise
3x5lbs x 15@ea

Standing DB Front Delt Raise (neutral grip)
2x7.5lbs x 12

BB Lying Overhead Tris Ex / Incline DB Curls
3x20lbs x 15 / 3x7.5lbsx12

Lying Leg Raise / Plank w knee tuck w both hands on on Bosu ball
2x15 /2x20reps

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Glutes & Legs 10 min HIIT track field

Mobility Warm Up

BB PliƩ Squat/ Assisted overhandgrip pull up practice
45lbs x 20 / 1
50lbs x 20 / 1 - need position neck properly so not to strain traps
55lbs x 20 - practice dead hang on pullup bar contracting lats

BB Hip Thrust (5 risers) / seated heavy band hip abduction (paused a bit)
185lbs x 12- felt heavy / 20
205lbs x 12- (singles last 2-better set-need to pay att'n to feet positioning)
235lbs x 10- singles last 2

Leg Press (weight on @ea side)
3x100lbs x 12

BB RDL / Weight Plate Side Lunges
2x85lbs x 12 / 2x25lbsx12@ea

Seated Ham Curl
60lbs x 12 - light
65lbs x 15
70lbs x 12

Cable Standing Leg Curl / DB Side Step Ups (4 risers)
22.5x15@ea / 20lbsx16@ea

10 min HIIT sprint
50m -9 secs x 8 rounds
80m -13secs x 5 rounds

Monday, October 27, 2014

Back & Shoulders

Mobility warm up

BB Row
50lbs x 12 - warmup
60lbs x 10
60lbs x 8
60lbs x 8

Assisted Pullup Practice
6 - 1st 3 no machine / last 3 w machine
5 - 1st 2 no machine / last 3 w machine
6 - 1st 3 no machine / last 3 w machine

Hammer Wide Lat Pulldown
1x45lbs x 12

DB One Arm Row
2x30lbsx8 @ea arm
30lbs x 10@ea arm

Unassisted Chin Ups / pushups
2.5 / 10
2.75 / 10
1 / 10

Seated DB Arnold Press
15lbs x 12
20lbs x 9 (used 15lbs last 3)
20lbs x 8!

Standing DB Lateral & Front Delt Raise
2x7.5lbs x 12

MedBall Full Plank with knee tuck (both hands on a med ball)
2x20 total

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Mobility Warm Up

BB Sumo Deadlift
65lbs x 12 - warmup
95lbs x 10
105lbs x 8
105lbs x 10- singles last 2

BB Back Squat
75lbsx 10
80lbs x 10
80lbs x 12- deep 5 breaths last 2 singles
Traps start burning

BB Hip Thrust (3 risers) / band side to side walk
185lbs x 12 / 40 total
235lbs x 10 / 40
255lbs x 8 / 40

BB Reverse Lunge (back style)
1x65lbs x 12 @each - left trap felt burn when doing other side
1x65lbs x 10@each

2 DB RDL (weight @each hand)
3x35lbs x 12

Lying Ham curl
60lbs x 10 - feet pointed down on way up & feet pointed up on way down - very hard/ couldn't reach 12 so moved down next set
55lbs x 12
55lbs x 12

2 DB Side Lunges (DB @ea hand)
2x10lbs x 12@ ea

45° Prisoner's Hyper Ext

45° One Leg Prisoner's Hyper Ext
1x12@ea - hammies burnt!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Kettlebell Pentalthon

5' each lift / 2 min rest in between ea lift
Could switch hands anytime
1 arm clean (12kg x 80)
1 arm clean & press 10kgx34
1 arm half snatch 10kgx62
1 arm jerk 10kg x 58

Chin Ups (unassisted & dead hang)
2 / 3

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Chest, Back & Arms

Mobility Warm Up

DB Bent Over Rear Delt Flys / BW Stability Ball Glute Bridge
3x7.5lbsx15 / 3x30

Hammer Front Lat Pulldown / Peck Deck Chest Flys
35lbs x 12 / 50lbs x 12
40lbs x 12 / 55lbs x 12
45lbs x 12 / 60lbs x 12

Seated One Arm Cable Row / Push Ups
12.5lbs x 15@ea- too light / 10
20lbs x 12@ea / 10
20lbs x 12@ea / 10

Lying Leg Raise (rested 30 secs between sets)
15 / 12 / 12

Overhand grip Pull up practice
5 (last 3 with machine assisted)
8 ( machine assisted 10-20lbs)

1 DB Seated Overhead Triceps Ext / DB Seated Hammer Curl
3x15lbs x 15 /3x 10lbs x 12

Full plank & knee tuck
15@ea (both hands on med. ball) - harder
15@ea (both hands on med. ball)

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Glutes & Legs + 10 min HIIT sprint/walk trackfield workout

Mobility Warm Up
Various glute activation

DB PliƩ Squat
45lbs x 20 - warmup
50lbs x 20
50lbs x 20

BB PliƩ Squat (back style)
45lbs x 20

BB Hip Thrust (5 risers) / standing band side hip abdct (lt band) 20@ea in btwn sets - hold tension on top
155lbs x 12 - warmup
185lbs x 12
205x 12- singles last 2 reps
215 x

One Leg Press (weight @ea side)
10lbs x 12@each
15lbs x 12@each
20lbs x 12@each - good weights

1 DB One Leg RDL / One Leg Ext
35lbs x 15@ea / 30lbs x 12@ea
35lbs x 15@ea / 30lbs x 12@ea
35lbs x

Cable Standing Leg Curl / 2 DB Side Step Up (4 risers)
20.5lbs x 20@ea / 15lbs x 12@ea
22.5lbsx15@ea / 15lbs x12@ea
22.5lbs x15@ea - extra set for ham curl

10 min HIIT sprint/brisk walk track field
Av sprint speed: 10mph
Av brisk walk speed: 3.5mph
Repeated 12times
Total distance: 1 miles

Monday, October 20, 2014

Active Rest Day (Outdoor Cardio) + Jane Fonda butt floor works

Brisk walk / light jog (1 hour)
Av. speed: 3.8mph
Max speed: 8 mph
Distance: 3.8miles

Jane Fonda Butt Floor Works

Clamshell / Standing Side Hip Abduction
3x30@each / 3x30@each

Superset #2:
One Leg Glute Bridge / Donkey Kick
3x30@each / 3x30@each

Superset #3:
Quadruped Leg Swing / Fire Hydrant
2x20 @each / 2x20@each

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Mobility Warm Up
Bodyweight glute activation

BB Hip Thrust (3 risers) / band side to side walk (30@each side)
185lbs x 15 - warmup
215lbs x 12
235lbs x 10
255lbs x 8

BB Deadlift (moderate weight)
65lbs x 10 - warm up
95lbs x 10 - ok weight
100lbs x 10

BB Front Squat (8-10)
70lbs x 10
80lbs x 10
85lbs x 10 (hard last 2-3 reps)

3x85lbs x 12 - left grip almost gave out

Seated One Leg Curl / 2 Plate weights Side Lunges
3x30lbs x 12@ea / 2x10lbs x12@ea

1 Weight plate Bulg Split Squat / BW 45° One Leg Hyper
2x10lbs x 12@each / 2x15@each

Cable Standing Side Hip Abduction
15.5lbs x 15@ea - too heavy for left
2x14lbs x 15@ea

Friday, October 17, 2014

Kettlebell Endurance Complex

Single KB @each time
No set down unless changing weight
1' @ea lift

Hand to hand swing
OH squat (L)
KB cleans (L)
OH Squat (R)
KB cleans (R)
KB press (L)
Kb Press (R)
Hand to hand Cleans
Clean & Jerk (L)
Clean & Jerk (R)
Swing - catch - Squat
Slingshot (KB around body)
Half Snatch (L)
Half Snatch (R)
Plank on KB

Used 8kg for OH Squat & TGU
10kg for rest lifts

Total: 20 mins

2x10kgx20 KB Jump Squat

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Chest & Back + Arms

DB Prone Incline Rear Delt Raise
5lbs x 15
7.5 x 15

T Row Bar / Peck Deck Chest Fly
30lbs x 12 / 40lbs x 12 warmup
35lbs x 10 / 45lbs x 8
37.5lbs x 8 / 45 x 8

One Arm DB Incline Chest Press / DB One Arm Row
20lbs x 10@ea / 25lbs x12@ea
20lbs x 10@ea / 30lbsx10@ea
20lbs x 10@ea / 30lbsx10@ea

Cable Wide Lat Pulldown
45lbs x 12
50lbs x 12
50lbs x 12

BB Close Grip Bench Press / BW One Leg Hip Thrust
3x45lbsx12 / 3x30

BB Lying Triceps Ext / DB Incline Curl
10lbs x 12 / 7.5x12 (too easy)
2x10lbs x 12 /2x 10lbsx10

Feet Elevated Full Plank Hold (4 risers) - no dropping hips - kept core tension
1 min / 1 min / 1 min

Left neck felt a little strained - might pulled muscles when dragging a bench. Hurt when turning head to left

DB Incline One Arm Chest Press:
Not much balance control on left arm for w 1 arm db incline chest press so went lighter

Cable wide pulldown:
Better control pulling from lats

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Glutes & Leg + 12 min HIIT sprint/walk back Workout

Mobility Warm Up

BB Hip Thrust (4 risers) / Band works
185lbs x 15 - warm up
205 x 12
235 x 10
235 x 10

DB PliƩ Squat
3x50lbs x 20

Light BB Deadlift
65lbs x 12

Leg Press (weight @ea.)
90lbs x 12
100lbs x 12
100lbs x 12

Lying Ham Curl / BB Side Lunges
2x60lbs x 12 / 2x 20lbsx12@ea
60x13 (moved to 50 last 4)

Note: foot pointed straight on way up & pointed up on way down

1 DB Side Step Up / Cable Standing Leg Curl
2x12.5lbsx15@ea / 3x22.5x15@ea

Standing Cable Back Kick

HIIT sprint/walk back
Repeated 10x
Total time: 12 mins


Sunday, October 12, 2014

Kettlebell Circuit Workout

Mobility Warm Up

30 min AMRAP
KB Swing 20x
Burpees (no push up) 10x
KB Sit Up 15x
KB One Arm Row 10@ea
KB One Arm Half Snatch 10@ea
KB One Arm Jerk 10@ea

18kg for swing
12kg for row
10kg for the rest

Got 4 Rounds

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Glutes & Legs Workout

Mobility Warm Up

BB Hip Thrust (5 risers) /seated band hip abdct
155lbsx 15- warmup
185lbs x 10 - warmup
205lbs x 10
235lbs x 8

BB Sumo Deadlift
95lbs x 8
105 x 7
105 x 7

Note: DL felt tough today- not enough energy

BB Back Squat
75lbs x 10
80lbs x 8
80lbs x 10

Note: got a little light headed

BB Reverse Lunge
1x65lbs x 10@each

BB RDL / 2 DB Side Lunges (10lbs@ea)
3x80lbs x 15 / 2x10lbs x 12@ea

Seated One Leg Curl
1x30x15@ea ( moved down to 25lbs last 6 reps)

45° weighted Hyper Ext
2x25lbs x 15

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Chest & Back + 3x30 Bodyweight One Leg Glute Bridge

Mobility Warm Up

Peck DeckRear Delt Flys/ Peck deck chest fly
25lbs x12 / 35lbsx 12
35 x 12 / 40 x 12
40 x 12 / 45 x 12

Pullup practice

Hammer Iso Front Lat Pulldown
30lbs x 12
35lbs x 12

Cable wide Lat Pulldown
45lbs x 12
50lbs x 12
50lbs x 12

Note: felt tension on lats more

Seated Cable Row (weight @ea side)/Bodyweight One Leg Glute Bridge
3x27.5lbs / 3x30@each

Hammer Incline Chest Press (weight @ea side)
25lbs x 12
30lbs x 8 - left almost gave out
30lbs x

Push Ups (resting at bottom) / Lying Leg Raise
6 / 10
6 / 10

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Glutes & Legs + 10 min HIIT sprint/walk

I surprised myself with the hip thrust.Granted it was one riser less than the usual 5 risers but still a good effort, I think.

Afterward I had the sprint/brisk walk HIIT at a baseball field repeated 8 times for a total 13 minutes. Not too bad.

Mobility Warm Up

BB Hip Thrust (4 risers) / band work
155lbs x 15- warmup
185x15 - warmup
225x 12
245 x 10
255 x 8

DB PliƩ Squat / reverse body rows
3x50lbs x 15 / 2x10-12

Leg Press / lunges
70lbs x 12 / walking lunges 25lbs x 24
70lbs x 12 (60lbs last 2) / walking lunges 25lbs x 24
70lbs x 12 (60lbs last 3)

2 DB side Step up (4 risers) /Cable Standing Leg Curl
7.5lbs x 12@each / 20lbs x 15@ea
7.5lbs x 12@ea/22.5lbsx15@ea

Cable Side Hip Abct
2x15lbs x 12-15@ea

Sprint/Brisk Walk HIIT x 8 rounds
Average distance: 70-100m
Average sprint speed 15.5kph (9.6mph)
Total time: 13 mins

Monday, October 6, 2014

1 Hour Power Walk

Nothing too hard. Just got the body moved around.

Total distance -5.8km (3.8 miles)
Average speed 5.8kph (3.8mph)

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Chest & KB Workout

DB Incline Rear Delt Raise / DB Incline Chest Flys
5lbs x 15 / 10lbs x 15
2x8 lbs x 12 /2x 12lbs x 12

KB mini circuit (2 rounds)
One Arm Swing 12kgx20@each
One Arm Clean 12kgx12@ea
OAHS 10kgx10@ea
OACJ 10kg x8@ea
Rest 1 min

KB class workout
#1 - 20 min AMPRAP
5 One Arm Half Snatch @ea
8 Seesaw press @ea
10 Hand to hand swing @ea
10 push up
10 anchored twist

#2 - 1' on/30" sec off x 2
2 plates sled push w partner
Mace 360°
Steelbell slam
Farmers walk (any style)

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Glutes & Legs

I switched up doing Hip Thrust first before deads just for some change. Focused on heavier weight on lower risers.

Mobility Warm Up

BB Hip Thrust (3 risers) / side to side and front/back heavy band walk 20x@each
135 x 15 - warm up
185 x 12 - warm up
2x235 x 10

BB Deadlift / hanging knee raise (overhand grip) 15-20x
95lbs x 10
105lbs x 8
105x 8

Note: I think about sit back when initiating the lift, lowered the hips & push hips forward on top- squeeze butt

BB Front Squat
75lbs x 10
80lbs x 9
80lbs x 10

Straight Leg DeadLift / various lunges
75lbsx 12 / 2 plates Bulg SS 5lbsx12@each (weight@each)
80lbs x 12 / 1 plate side lunges 25lbsx15@each
80lbs x 12 / 1 plate side lunges 25lbsx12@each

Seated Leg Curl
60 x 15 (toes pointed out)
60 x 12 (toes pointed in)
65 x 12 (toes pointed straight)
65 x 12 (toes pointed out)

Friday, October 3, 2014

KB Sport Workout

5 rounds
1' left One Arm Half Snatch
1' right OAHS
1' rest

Used 10kg

5 rounds
24kg x 10 KB Swing

3 sets chin ups
4-6 - 2 reps unassisted/ rest thin band assisted

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Chest & Back + 3x30 Bodyweight Glute Bridge

Mobility Warm Up

DB Bent Over Rear Delt Raise/ Stability Ball Glute Bridge
3x7.5lbsx15 / 3x30

Hammer Wide Lat Pulldown
35lbs x 12 - warm up
45lbs x 12
45lbs x 12

Cable Wide Lat Pulldown
1x45lbs x 12 - angled a bit to feel more lats engagement

BB Row
50lbs x 12
60lbs x 8

One Arm DB Row
25lbs x 12@each
25lbs x 10@each - more lats engagement
25lbs x 10@each

DB Incline Chest Press (DB each)
20lbs x 10
25lbs x 8
25lbs x 8
25lbs x 8

Push Ups / hanging knee raise
10 / 15
10 / 20
10 / 20

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Glutes & Legs + 10 min HIIT sprint/walk track field

So today I tried out doing 10 min run/walk after my leg workout today. Not too bad actually. The park that is on the same way to the gym has a track field. But it's on a hard surface, not dirt so it might not be too ideal for sprinting? I could always just use the baseball field as my track field. At least that one is on the dirt and grass.

Mobility Warm Up

BB PliƩ Squat / hanging knee raise 15x
2x45lbs x 20

DB PliƩ Squat / hanging knee raise 20x
2x50lbs x 20

Note: Felt better doing pliƩ squat holding DB than having a BB on the back.

BB Hip Thrust (bench) / seated heavy band hip abdct
155lbs x 10
155 x 12
185 x 8 (singles last 2)
185 x 10 (singles last 2)

Note: BB Hip Thrust on the bench so I couldn't go too heavy without compromising my form. Medium rep range still good enough to get butt burn.

Cable standing One leg Curl / various lunges
15.5x15@each/ side lunges 25lbsx12@each
17.5x15@each / bodyweight deficit reverse lunge 12@each
20.5x15@each / side lunges 25lbsx12@each

Cable Side Hip Abduction

Cable Back Kick
1x 20.5lbs x 12@each

10 min run/walk on a track field

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Chest & KB Workout

Workout #1

Mobility Warm Up

DB Bent Over Rear Delt Raise
5lbs x 12

Double KB Floor Press
8kg x 12
10kg x 10
12kg x 8

3' KB One Arm Half Snatch x 2 (2 min rest)
10kg - switch every 30"

3' Heavy KB One Arm Swing
15kg - switch every 30"

One KB Clean & Press
18lbs x 10@each
2x20lbs x 10@each

Workout #2

KB Interval Circuit (45" on / 20" off x 3)
1 arm KB swing & half snatch combo (L)
1 arm KB swing & half snatch combo (R)
KB High Pull
1/2 TGU to half bridge (L)
1/2 TGU to half bridge (R)
Figure of 8
KB Renegade Row to Bent Over Row

Used 10kg on all except 1/2 TGU

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Glutes & Legs Workout

Mobility Warm Up

BB Sumo Deadlift / hanging knee raise 15x
95lbs x 8- warm up
95lbs x 10 - warm up
105 x 8
105 x 8

BB Back Squat
75lbs x 10
80lbs x 10
80 x 9

BB Hip Thrust (4 risers)
185 x 12
205 x 10
235 x 8
235 x 8

Side Step Up (4 risers)- hold 2 weight plates
2x5lbs x 15@each

75lbs x 12
85 lbs x 10
85lbs x 10

Lying Leg Curl
60lbs x 12 / Bulgarian Split Squat (Bodyweight) 12@each
70lbsx 12 (60lbs last 3) / Walking Lunges 25lbsx20
70x12 (60 last 6) / DB Side Lunges (hold 2 DBs) 10lbs x 12@each

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Chest & Back Workout + 3x30 Bodyweight One Leg Elevated Glute Bridge

I tried out the Cable Wide Lat Pulldown. I might need to practice more with 45lbs weight until I could get all the pull from my lats. When I tried 50lbs, I started to feel it on my triceps, so no good. On last set, I moved back down to 45lbs and I think I will stick to this weight until I get it right.

With Hammer Wide Lat Pulldown, I think I got better control using my lats.

Seated Cable Row actually felt good for me. I could feel my lats engaged more with a bit some from biceps.

Mobility Warm Up

Incline DB Rear Dekt Raise / Incline DB Chest Fly
3x7.5x15 / 3x7.5-10lbsx12-15

One Leg Stability Ball Glute Bridge

BB Row
45lbs x 12 - warm up set
55lbs x 12 - warm up set
65lbs x 10
65lbs x 13 (moved down to 55lbs last 5 reps)

Cable Wide Lat Pulldown
45lbs x 15 - good weight
50lbs x 12 - start feeling on tris
45lbs x 15 - better weight

Seated Cable Row (weight @each side) - close grip
3x27.5lbs x 12

Hanging Knee Raise (overhand grip)

Incline DB Chest Press (dB @each) / lying leg raise 15x
20lbs x 12
25lbs x 12 (used 20lbs last 5 reps)
25lbs x 12 (used 20lbs last 4 reps)

Side Lying Incline DB Side Delt Raise
2x5lbs x 12@each

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Mobility Warm Up

BB PliƩ Squat
Bodyweight x 20-warm up
3x45lbs x 20

BB Hip Thrust (5 risers) / Seated heavy Band Hip Abdct
185 x 12 / 20
205 x 10 - singles last 2 / 25
205 x10 -nonstop / 25
205 x 12- singles last 2 / 30

Push ups
13 / 10 / 10

Seated One Leg Curl
3x30lbs x 12@each

DB Side Lunges (hold 2 DB 12.5lbs@each)
2x12.5lbs x 12@each

DB Side Step Up (4 risers- hold 1 DB)
2x12.5lbs x 12@each

Cable Side Hip Abdct / Cable Back Kick
2x15.5lbsx15@each / 2x15.5lbsx15@each

Cable standing One Leg Curl
15.5lbs x 15@each
20.5lbs x 15@each

Monday, September 22, 2014

Outdoor cardio sprint/walk HIIT

5 minutes warm up

10 minute HIIT sprint and walk back
Average time/distance of my run was 20 sec - 80-90m
Average time/distance of walking back was around 50 sec - 1 min - 70-80m

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Kettlebell Complex and HIIT

15' block (switch after completed one round on 1 side)
One Arm KB Cleans
One Arm KB Half Snatch
One Arm KB Swing
One Arm KB Clean & Jerk

Completed 6 rounds - Used 10kg on all lifts

10' block
Double KB Farmers Walk 16kg@each
KB Walking Swing 12kg
Sled Drag & Push (2 plates)

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Mobility Warm Up

BB Deadlift
95lbs x 12- warm up
105lbs x 12 - warm up set
120lbs x 10
125lbs x 8

BB Front Squat
65lbs x 10 (could push to 12-15) - get groove in set
80lbs x 11 - still had 1-2 reps left in tank
80lbs x 10- had 1 rep left

BB Hip Thrust (3 risers) / side thick band walk
185lbs x 15
235lbs x 12
250lbs x 10

BB Rack Pull - need to get a full extension on the top
75lbs x 15
95lbs x 12
95lbs x 12

Lying Leg Curl / lunge variation
65lbsx 12 (moved down to 62.5 last 2) / Bulgarian Split Squat 12@each
62.5lbsx12 / Bulgarian Split Squat 12@each
62.5lbs x 12 / Weight Plate Side Lunges 10lbsx15@each
62.5lbs x 12 (moved down to 60 last 3) / Weight Plate Side Lunges 10lbsx15@each

Side Step Up (4 risers)
10lbs x12@each (hold 1 plate)

One Leg 45° Hyper Ext

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Light Glutes + Back & Shoulders

Mobility Warm Up

Feet & Shoulder elevated One Leg Hip Thrust 3x30 (5 risers & bench( / incline DB rear delt raise
30@each- did 15-5-5-5 / 5lbsx20
30@each-did 15-10-5 / 7.5x15
30@each -did 20-10 /7.5x15

T Row Bar (w/ ab pad)
25lbs x 12- warmup set
30lbs x 12
35lbs x 8

One Arm DB Row / abs

Hammer Wide Lat Pulldown
45lbs x 12
45lbs x 10
45lbs x 10

Push Ups / machine assisted pull up
12 / 3
10 / 3

Standing DB Shoulder Press (palm facing each other) -short rest between set (30sec)
10lbs x 15
12.5lbs x 12
15lbs x 8 - fatigue

Standing DB Side Delt Raise
5lbs x 20
7.5lbs x 12

Elbow Side Plank Lift

Walking Side plank

Hanging knee raise (neutral grip)

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Cardio HIIT

1min walk / 40 sec run x 8
Average run: 155-160m
Average walk: 50-70m

35 min brisk walk

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Kettlebell BOLT competition preparation + Glutes & Legs

This AM was tough. The gym was so humid and hot and that was another challenge. Kettlebell practice went ok but then the Legs workout felt draggy as it progressed towards the end.
Nonetheless still got a good workout.

Another 90s-100s today.

Mobility & KB Warm Up

KB Workout
2 rounds
1' Heavy Double KB Swing 12kg (20-30reps)
1' KB Half Snatch (L) 10kg (12-15)
1' KB Half Snatch (R) 10kg (12-15)
1' KB Double Jerk 8kg (12-15)
1' rest

Glutes & Legs

BB PliƩ Squat (back style)
3x45lbs x 20

BB Hip Thrust (5 risers)
205lbs x 10- warm up set- hard
185x20 - did 11-4-2-3

KB Suitcase Deadlift (KB Each side)
35lbs x 12
44lbs x 10
44lbs x 12

Bodyweight Deficit Rev Lunge (2 risers)

Double DB RDL (DB@each hand)
3x30lbs x 15

DB side Lunges


Monday, September 15, 2014

Cardio HIIT Workout

15 min run/walk (13 laps)
40sec-1 min average run -
160-200m average distance
1-1:30 min average walk -
70-100m average distance

Walk to/from park:
40min total / 3km distance total


Sunday, September 14, 2014

Chest, Shoulders and Arms

Mobility Warm up

Peck deck rear delt flys / peck deck chest fly
30lbs x 12 / 45lbs x 12
40lbs x 15 / 55 x 15
40lbs x 12 / 55 x 12

Pullup practice
2 singles

Hammer Incline Chest Press (weight@each side)
25lbs x 12 - hard last 2 reps
25lbs x 10 - hard last 2
25lbs x 8- hard set

Inverted Body Rows (squat rack hole#12- bent legs)

Pullup practice
2 singles

Hammer Iso Lateral Shoulder Press (weight@each side)
15lbs x 12
17.5lbs x 12
20lbs x 8

Machine Assisted pullup
2 x 3 singles

BB Push Press (long bar)
45lbs x 10
45lbs x 12
45lbs x 11

Note: I braved myself to try doing push press with the long BB instead those preloaded small ones. Surprised myself I actually could do it. Not sure if I wanna do it with weight plates on it unless I have those clips.

DB Lying triceps ext / DB Incline curl
10lbs x 15 / 7.5lbs x 15
10lbs x 12 / 10lbs x 12
10lbs x 12 / 10lbs x 12

Hanging Knee Raise (neutral grip)

Shoulders and arms were super pumped afterward.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Glutes & Legs

It's VERY hot here..I think it's around mid 90s and possibly 100s in some area! Plus humid! Ugh, hate this weather. Makes me sweaty even though I'm just sitting down and not doing much. More frequent cold shower for me ..haha.

Here's today's Glutes & Legs workout. All great. Had a some panic attack when I got home and found out I lost my iPhone. drove back to the gym and thank goodness someone was kind enough to give it to the lost/found front desk so I got my phone back. PHEW!!

Mobility Warm Up

BB Sumo Deadlift
115lbs x 10
120lbs x 8
120lbs x 8

Note: Deadlift wasn't the greatest today. Felt not too strong and didn't get into the groove until the last set.

BB Back Squat
75lbs x 12
80lbs x 10
80lbs x 10- hard last 2

Note: This one feels good and i think I didn't lean too much forward. I had some video for first 2 sets.

BB Hip Thrust (3 risers) -heavy / thick band side walk
235lbs x 10 - singles last 2
235lbs x 10- singles last 2
235lbs x 12- singles last 3-4

BB RDL / push up
75lbs x 12 / 10
80lbs x 12 / 10
80lbs x 12/10

Weighted Side Step Up (3 risers) -hold 2 weight plates

BB Reverse Lunge
55lbs x 12@each

Lying Ham Curl
60lbs x 15 / side lunges w 2 plates 5lbsx12@each
60x12 / side lunges w 2 plates 5lbsx12@each

Cable Side Hip Abdct

Cable back kick

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Lighte glutes + Back and Shoulder Workout

decided to do another week of Back and Shoulders instead Back and Chest. I might want just do more Back and Shoulders to train my shoulders a bit more in addition to Sunday's KB which mainly already shoulder centric for the most part.

For Thursdays, I could always just throw in 1-2 set of chest oriented workout such as Incline Chest Fly (with DB or the peck deck machine), or Hammer Incline Chest Press or even just the good old push ups.

I was going to try out that BB Squat for 20 reps but today wasn't the day I had the most pump so probably next time. It'll be interesting how much I could do. I might start off really light weight like 50-55lbs. I might try out with Back Squat just for testing. Maybe next Thursday I'll give it a try.

Mobility Warm Up

BB Hip Thrust (5 risers) / DB Bent Over Rear Delt Raise
135lbs x 30 - did 15-7-4-3/ 5lbs x 15
145x30 - did 15-10-5 /5x20
155 x 30- did 15-5-5-5 /5x20

Note: First set I might put my feet a bit too far so I felt more burn on my hammies. Last 2 sets were the best, as always. I managed to add more weight too.

BB Row / cable butt stuff
3x65lbs x10 / 3x15-20lbsx15@each (2xside hip abdct & 1 x back kick)

Wide Lat Pulldown (15 reps)
50lbsx 8--> 35lbs x 7
45lbsx 10 -->40lbs x5
40lbs x 12

Seated Cable Row (12-15 reps)/ Lying leg raise
27.5lbs x 12 / 12
27.5lbsx10-->20lbsx5 /15
20lbsx15 / 15

Seated DB Shoulder Press (palm facing front) -DB@each
3x15lbs x 12

BB Push Press
3x40lbs x 12

Elbow side Plank walk

Med ball overhead sit up (1 sec up -5sec down)
11lbs x 8

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Kettlebell BOLT prep + Glutes and Legs

Mobility Warm up
Figure of 8
One Arm kb swing
Bent Over Rear Delt Raise with light weights
Glute activation

10' KB Half Snatch (8kg & 10kg)
8kg 1st 20 reps
The rest 10kg (switching every 5)
136 reps total

BB Hip Thrust (5 risers) / standing band side hip abdct 20@each
185lbs x 12 - activation
235lbs x 10
235x 10
235 x 12- singles last 2

KB Suitcase Deadlift (KB@each)
35lbs x 12
44lbs x 10
44lbs x 10

KB PliƩ Squat
3 x 35lbs x 15

One KB One Leg RDL (hold opposite side)
3x30lbs x12@each

1 KB Side Lunges
2x20lbs x 12

2 KB Walking Lunges
2x15lbs x20


Sunday, September 7, 2014

Kettlebell BOLT Workout

5' each lift /3' rest between each lift

Double Clean & Jerk
(8kg - 40 reps)

Double Jerk (8kg - 46 reps)

One Arm C&J (10kg - 56 reps)

One Arm Jerk (10kg - 55 reps)

Finisher: 10 min HIIT:
4 full laps sled push - 3 plates (45lbs@each)

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Mobility Warm Up at home

BB Deadlift
95lbsx 10- warm up
125lbs x 8
125 x 8
125 x 8

BB Front Squat
75lbs x 10
80lbs x 9
80lbs x 8

BB Hip Thrust (3 risers)
225lbs x 10
225 x 10
225 x 12

80lbs x 12
85lbs x 10
85lbs x 10

Lying Leg Curl / weight plate Side Lunges
3x60lbs x 12 / 3x10lbsx12@each

Weighted 45° Hyper Ext
25lbs x 20

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Light Glutes + Back & Shoulders + Core

Mobility Warm Up

DB Incline Rear Delt Raise / DB Incline Chest Flys
3x5lbsx20 / 3x10lbsx12

BB Hip Thrust on bench (no touching ground)
135lbs x 30 - broken into 10-7-5-4-4
135lbs x 30-broken into 15-10-5
135lbs x 30- broken inti 15-10-5

Note: The bench might equivalent to 6 risers. I couldn't have the weight touching down the floor or it'd be too uncomfortable. Regardless those 3x30 reps with 135lbs burned quite good. Last 2 sets were the best while first set I got burnt out a bit too soon.

T Row Bar (ab pad) -focused pulling from lats
30lbs x 12
32.5lbs x 12
32.5lbs x 12- hard last 2

Hammer Wide Lat Pulldown
3x52.5lbs x 10 - hard last 2 reps

One Arm DB Row

Rev crunch 3x15

DB Arnold Press / bike abs
15lbs x 15 /30
15lbs x 10/30
15lbs x 10/30

Standing DB Side Delt Raise / lying leg raise
7.5lbsx12 / 15
7.5lbs x 15/ 12
7.5lbs x 15/15

RKC plank
3x20 sec

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

10 min KB One Arm Half Snatch training + Glutes & Legs

Since I'm preparing for my first BOLT Competition in November 15, 2014, I will be adding another kettlebell day into my workout routine. Tuesday will be my 2nd kettlebell day of the week, before I start my Glutes and Legs workout.

Mobility Warm up
KB One Arm Swing

10 min KB One Arm Half Snatch (OAHS)
Used 8kg (18 lbs)
167 reps total
No putting KB down
Switched hands every 10 reps

BB Hip Thrust-5 risers / X band walk (medium band)

205lbs x 12 - singles last 2 /20@each
235x 8 / 20@each
235 x 8 - singles / 20@each
235 x 10 - singles last 2 /20@each

KB Suitcase Deadlift (KB@each)
25lbs x 12
30lbs x 12
35lbs x 12

KB PliƩ Squat
3x40lbs x 12

85lbs x 8

Bodyweight side Step up

1 DB Side Lunges
2x20lbs x 12@each

Glute Ham Raise (GHR)

Monday, September 1, 2014

August Overall Workout Note

HIIT - 2x a week (Mondays & Wednesdays)
Has been pretty consistent - sprinting for 30-40 secs for 150m-170m x 6 rounds

Fridays - Rest Day - leisure walk

Tue, Aug 19, 2014
Started to do PliƩ squat (either with one DB or BB with bar on back) on Tuesdays Legs Workout
Also incorporate any lateral lunges (side lunges, step ups)

Thu, Aug 21, 2014
Started to make Thursday as 3rd Leg workout by doing 3x30 Hip Thrust (bodyweight or with weights) (light weight-high reps) before doing any upper body workout

Sunday, August 31, 2014

KB Sport Workout

Part #1
8' One Arm Jerk -10kg x 44 reps total -didn't put bell down
2' rest
8' one Arm Half Snatch -40 reps total
Put bell down
Moved from 10kg to 8kg

3 rounds
10 KB Heavy Swing (22kg)
5-10 band assisted pullup
10/10 KB floor press (10kg)

4 x 12-15@each side - rested as needed in between

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Chest, Back & Core

Mobility Warm Up

Feet & Shoulder Elevated One Leg Hip Thrust (5 risers)
3x20 - very hard esp right side

DB Bent Over Rear Delt Raise
3x5lbs x20

Pullup practice / wide lat pulldown
3 reps / 50lbs x 12
2 reps / 52.5lbs x 12
1.5rep / 55lbs x 9

Note: I figure I could do better unassisted pull up practice if I do it when I'm still fresh. After I did other back workout, I notice my performance was going down and I had to regress with using machine.

BB Row / pullup practice (machine) -10lbs
65lbs x 10 / didn't do
65lbs x 8 / 2
65lbs x 8 / 2

Seated Cable Row / rev crunch / machine pullup-10lbs
27.5lbs x 12 / 20 / 3
27.5lbs x 12 / 20 / 2.5
27.5lbs x 12 / 20 / 2

Hammer Incline Chest Press
27.5lbs x 12 - ok weight for intensity & focused on right muscles
27.5lbs x 10
27.5lbs x 10- hard last 2 reps

Push ups / leg raise on captain chair
3x10 / 3x15

Elbow Side Plank lift (feet stacked together)

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Mobility Warm Up

BB Hip Thrust (5 risers) - 3 sec pause rep/seated heavy band abduction
185lbs x 12 - reg rep warm up /20
205lbs x 10 / 20
205lbs x 8 -less resting at bottom/ 20
205lbs x 10 (singles last 4) / 20

Note: First time trying pause rep on every reps - so I did iso hold for about 3 secs on each rep until I reach 8-10 (trying to reach 10 at least). Very burning and got that butt pump.

DB PliƩ Squat
3x40lbs x 15

Leg Press (weight @each side)
100lbs x 20
100lbs x 15- very hard
100lbs x 15- hard last 2-3 reps

Cable Standing Leg Curl

Bodyweight Side Step Up (3 risers) - focused on glute medius tension

Note: I focused keeping tension on my side glutes and I could see how my knees weren't collapsing inward. I'll try taking a video next time, with just bodyweight.

One DB Single Leg RDL (hold DB on same side as the standing leg)

Lying Leg Curl
60lbs x 15
60lbs x 12
60lbs x 12

Cable Standing Hip Abduction
2x15.5lbs x 12@each

Cable Standing Back Kick

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Shoulders and Arms

Mobility Warm up

Peck Deck Rear Delt Flys
30lbs x 20
35lbs x 15
35lbs x 15

BB Close Grip Bench Press
40lbs x 15
45lbs x 12
45lbs x 12
45lbs x 12

Note: 1st time using Oly Bar on bench press set up

Hammer Iso Shoulder Press (weight @each)
17.5lbs x 12
17.5lbs x 10
17.5lbs x 10

Standing BB Push Press
3x40lbs x 12

Standing DB Lateral Delt Raise
3x7.5lbs x 15

Lying DB Triceps Ext / Standing DB Curls
7.5lbs x 15 / 10lbs x 12
10lbs x 12 / 10lbs x 12
10lbs x 12/ 10lbs x 12

Leg Raise on captain chair
3x12 (focused pulling from lower abs)

Hanging Knee Raise

Side plank Lift

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Mobility Warm Up

BB Sumo Deadlift / side hip abdct + pullup practice
115lbs x 10
120lbs x 10 (paused aft 8)
120lbs x 10 (singles last 3)

BB Front Squat / RKC plank
75lbs x 10 / 20 breaths
80lbs x 8 / 20 breaths
80lbs x 8 / 20 breaths

BB Hip Thrust (3 risers) / side band walk 20@each side
205lbs x 12
225lbs x 12
225lbs x 12

2 DB RDL (DB @each) /1 DB Side Lunges
3x35lbs x 15 /3x 12@each

Leg Ext

Weighted 45° Hyper Ext

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Chest, Back & Core

Mobility Warm Up

Feet &Shoulders Elevated BB Hip Thrust (light weight-high reps) - 6 risers
3x40lbsx30 - butt burner

DB Incline Rear Delt Raise

T Row Bar w pad / pull up practice
30lbs x 12-not too hard / 2 (machine)
35lbs x 10 - ok weight / 2(machine)
35lbs x 10

One Arm DB Row / rev crunch
30lbs x 12@each / 15
30lbs x 10@each / 15
30lbs x 10@each / 15

Hammer Front Lat Pulldown
45lbs x 10 - struggled
45lbs x 6 - too heavy
35lbs x 12

Peck Deck Chest Fly
40lbs x 12
40lbs x 8
40lbs x 8

DB Incline Chest Press (using leg press bench)
25lbs x 10
25lbs x 8
25lbs x 10

Hanging leg raise

Cable Standing Back Kick
3x22.5lbs x15@each

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Glutes & Legs (heavy)

Mobility Warm up
Clams with medium band
Side band walks
Front/back band walks

Lying Leg Curl
60lbs x 15
65lbs x 12
65lbs x 12

BB Hip Thrust (5 risers) / med band side walk (band on feet)
185lbs x 12 - warmup /15@each
225lbs x 10 (singles last 2) /15
225lbs x 10 (singles last 2)/15
225lbs x 10 (nonstop 10) / 15

BB PliƩ Squat (back style) / V up abs
65lbs x 10 - parallel / 15
65lbs x 10 / 15
65lbs x 10 / 15

BB RDL / 1 DB Side Step up (3 risers)
85lbs x 15 / 20lbs x 12@each
85lbs x 12 / 20x12@each
85lbs x 12 / 20x12@each

Leg Press (weight@ each side)
120lbs x 12
120lbs x 10
120lbs x 12

Cable Standing Side Hip Abductions

Cable Standing Hip Flexion

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Kettlebell Workout

Today's KB workout. Animal movements were quite fun. All types of crawling are fun. Alligator crawl is the hardest - pretty much bear crawl but we got deeper in push up position with one leg tuck in - or as Z always call it reptile plank.

Modified the Part #2 to be more pressing focus. Originally we had to super set double front squat with pressing. But I skipped the front squat and focused on overhead pressing and did extra rounds to get the most out of it.

3 Rounds of below:
Part #1
1 Arm Swing 5x
1 Arm half snatch 5x
Rev lunge 5x

Repeat for other side before part 2

Part#2- 2 rounds
Double swing 5x
One arm Press (L)
One Arm press (R)
Double press
One Arm press (L)
One Arm press (R)
Double Press

Part #3 - animal mov't (mix & match) - full lap
Bear crawl
Alligator crawl
Crab crawl
Frog jump

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Mobility Warm Up

BB Hip Thrust (3 risers) / med band side walk
135lbs x 30 - left fire up more - singles last 10
155lbs x 30 - singles last 10
185lbs x 30- did 15-5-5-5

BB Deadlift
100lbs x 10
120lbs x 7- not too strong
110lbs x 8

BB Front Squat / v up Abs
75lbs x 8 / 15
75lbs x 8 / 15
75lbs x 10 / 15

BB RDL / 1 weight plate Side Lunges
80lbs x 15 / 25lbsx12@each
85lbs x 15 / 25lbs x 12@each
85lbs x 15 / 25lbs x 12@each

Pullup practice

Lying one Leg Curl
35lbs x 12@each - left struggled too much

Cable Side Hip Abduction

Cable Side Hip Adduction
9lbs x 15@each - too light
10lbs x 20@each
12.5lbs x 20@each

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Chest & Back & Core Workout

Mobility Warm up

Peck Deck Rear Delt Flys /Peck Deck Chest Fly
35lbsx 15 /50lbs x15 warm up
40lbs x 12 / 55lbsx 12
40lbs x 12 / 55lbs x 12

Wide Lat Pulldown / pullup practice
52.5lbs x 12 / 2 (machine)
52.5lbs x 12 / 2 (pull up bar)
52.5lbs x 12 / 2 (machine)

BB Row / pullup (machine)
70lbs x 10 / 2.5
70lbs x 8 / 2
70lbs x 8 / 2.5

Seated Cable Row (weight each side) /Rev crunch
3x27.5lbs x 12 / 3x15

Elbow side plank walk
3x20 reps

Hammer Incline Chest Press
25lbs x 12
27.5lbs x 10 - hard last 2-3 reps
27.5lbs x 8

Push Ups / V up abs
3x12 / 3x15

Cable Back Kick
3x22.5lbs x15@each

Cable Side Hip Abdct

Cable Front kick
3x14lbs x 15@each

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Mobility Warm Up

BB Hip Thrust (bench) /DB PliƩ Squat
185lbs x 12 / 40lbs x 15 - warm up
205lbs x 10 (singles last 2 ) / 50lbs x 12
205lbs x 10 (singles last 3) / 50lbs x 12
205lbs x 10- struggling 10 reps / 50lbs x 12

BB RDL /1 DB Rev Lunge / pull up practice
3x 80lbs x 15 / 3x25lbs x 12@each /3x1

One Leg Press (weight @ each side) /Machine Assisted Pullup
10lbs x 12@each / 3
10lbs x 15@each /3
10lbs x 15@each /3

Lying One Leg Curl /BW Bulgarian Split Squat

Cable Ext Hip Rotation

Cable Back Leg Kick

Cable Hip Adduction

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Kettlebell Workout & Sled HIIT

40” on / 20” off - 3 rounds
Anchored Snatch (18lbs)
Alt Dead Cleans (25lbs)
Alt Dead Row (25-30-35lbs)
Pullover & situp (18lbs)
1 arm swing (L) - rack hold on rest (25lbs)
1 arm swing (R )-25
1 arm snatch (L)-18
1 arm snatch (R)-18lbs

Sled Push
3x22yardsx 300lbs

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Mobility Warm up

BB Deadlift / pullup practice
100lbs x 10 / 2 reps
120lbs x 8 / 1 rep
120lbs x 8 / 2 reps

BB PliƩ Squat / 2 DB RDL
3x65lbs x 10 / 3x30lbs x 15

BB Hip Thrust (5 risers) / weight plate Side Lunges
205lbs x 10 / 25lbs x 12@each
205lbs x 12 (singles last 4) / 25lbs x 12@each
205lbs x 15 (singles last 5 ) / 25lbs x 12@each

Seated Leg Curl / Leg Ext
60lbs x 15 / 60lbs x 12
65lbs x 14 / 70lbs x 12
70lbs x 12 / 70lbs x 12

Weighted Donkey Kick w Lying Ham Curl
1x50lbs x 15@each
2x70lbs x 15@each

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Back, Shoulders & Arms Workout

Mobility Shoulders Warm Up
Stability ball roll out
Quadruped external rotation
Bird dog
Arm Circles

Weight Plate Incline Rear Delt Flys
3x 5lbs x 20

BB Row/ Hammer Incline Chest Press / Pullup practice
70lbs x 10 / 25lbs x 10 - felt light/ 1.5rep
70lbs x 10 / 30lbs x 8 / 2 rep + 1 w machine (2 weight stacks)
70lbs x 10 / 30lbs x 8 / 2 reps w machine (1 weight stack)

Hammer Wide Lat Pulldown / machine pullup practice
52.5lbs x 10 - felt light / 2 reps (1 weight stack)
55lbs x 8 / 2 reps (1 weight stack)
55lbs x 8 / 1.5 rep (1 weight stack)

Push Ups / rev crunch
3x10 /3x 12

Seated DB Arnold Press / V up abs
3x 15lbs x 10 - not feeling too strong today / 3x15

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Glutes & Legs Workout

Mobility Warm up
Donkey kick
Med band clams
Med band side to side walk
Med band fwd/back walk
Squat to stand

Lying ham curl
60lbs x 15
65lbs x 12
65lbs x 12

BB Back Squat / One DB One Leg RDL (DB opposite side of standing leg-lightly hold on a rack for balance)
65lbs x 12 / 25lbs x 12 @each - warmup
75lbs x 8 / 35lbs x10@each
75lbs x 8 / 35lbs x 12@each

BB Hip Thrust (3 risers) / One DB Side Step up (3 risers)
215lbs x 12 / 25lbs x 12@each
235lbs x 10 / 25lbs x 12@each
245lbs x 10/ 25lbs x 12@each

Leg Press / Pullup
120lbs x 10 / 3 weight stacks x 2
120lbs x 10 / pullup (from standing) x 2
120lbs x 10 / pullup (from standing)x2
Extra pull up x 2

Hanging Leg Raise

45° One Leg Hyper Ext
2x5lbs x 15@each

Cable Pull Through
15lbs x 15
17.5lbs x 20
22.5lbs x 15

After workout pumps:

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Kettlebell Circuit Workout

Part #1: 10"
1 arm dead half snatch 20lbsx5@each
Double Half Snatch - Double KB Swing 20x5@each
KB Leg Raise 20lbs x 10

Part #2: 10"
Thin band assisted pullup 6-8
1 Arm Floor Press 22.5lbs x 8@each
Double KB Swing 25lbs x 10
KB Swing 50lbs x 10

Overhand grip 6 reps/ underhand last 2 reps

Sled push
150lbs x 22 yard
250lbs x 22 yard
300lbs x 22 yard - PR

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Glutes & Legs Workout

So this was what I ended up doing for today's lower body workout.

Mobility Warm up (at home)
Med band clams
Double ankle weights side hip abduction
Double ankle weights donkey kick
Band RDL

BB Sumo Deadlift (propped BB on a pair of aerobic step - no risers) / RKC plank
95lbs x 12 - warm up
3x120lbs x 10

Note: Next time I might prop the BB with a pair of 45lbs plate instead of aerobic step. The steps made the BB bounce off a bit whenever the BB touched down

BB Hip Thrust (5 risers) - rest pause method / band side walk 20 total
205lbs x 15 - rest pause method (last 5)
205lbs x 17 - rest pause last 8
205lbs x 20 - rest pause last 9 reps

Note: First time doing rest pause method. My goal was to get all 20 reps on all 3 sets but didn't happen but at least I got to 15 on first set. Totally butt burner!

DB PliƩ Squat / BB RDL
50lbs x 15 / 75lbs x 15
50lbs x 12- focus on form/depth / 80lbs x 12
50lbs x 12 / 80lbs x 15

Note: For DB PliƩ Squat, I focused on my form and depth instead of the weight for now.

Lying ham curl / weight plate side lunges
60lbs x 12 / 10lbs x 15@each
60lbs x 13 / 20lbs x 12@each
60lbs x 13 / 20lbs x 12@each

45° weighted Hyper Ext
2x25lbs x 15

And I'm loving my new Converse shoes! Definitely feel a lot better in deads and squats with these flat shoes :))

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Back, Shoulders and Arms

My today's upper body workout. The beauty of not having to rush things around. I had a little trouble falling asleep last night and even was wide awake a bit earlier than 4am without any alarm. But I laid down half asleep until 6am then did the usual morning stuff before gym.

I implemented the machine assisted pull up as my trainer DebbyK suggested. In between my upper body sets, I sneaked in some pull up stuff with the machine. I used less assistance. Not sure the weight since the top 5 weight stacks above 10lbs weight stack weren't labeled so I just indicated how many weight stacks that I was using. I did total 15 reps of machine assisted pull up (overhand grip).

And as usual I also sneaked in some bodyweight leg stuff (6 sets hammies/posterior chain moves and 3 sets quad centric moves)

Tomorrow I might actually go to one of those Zumba classes at LA Fitness. Should be something fun and different to do on non weight day as now I have the time.

Various Mobility Warm up
Stability ball roll out, core stability drill, etc

Standing DB Rear Delt Flys
5lbs x 20
7.5lbs x 15
7.5lbs x 15

BB Row / Incline One Arm DB Chest Press
55lbs x 12 / 15lbs x 12@each
65lbs x 10 / 25lbs x 8@each - not too good set so decided to move down weight on next set
70lbs x 8 / 20lbs x 10@each

Machine assisted pullup
5 stacks+5lbs x 2

Wide Lat Pulldown / seated DB shoulder press / machine assisted pullup
55lbs x 8 / 20lbs x 8 / 4 stacks x 2
55lbs x 8 / 20lbs x8 / 4 stacks x 2
55lbs x 8 / 20lbs x 8 / 4 stacks x 2

Seated DB Arnold Press / Bench Reverse Hyper 20x
20lbs x 8
20lbs x 5- left arm gave away-might be too heavy

Seated One Arm DB Arnold Press / Bench Reverse Hypers 20x
15lbs x 12@each

Machine Assisted Pullup
4 stacks x 3
3 stacks x 2
2 stacks x 2

Standing DB Lateral Delt flys / BB Lying ovhead Tris Ext / One leg hip thrust (feet & shoulders elevated on 5 risers)
3x7.5lbs x 15 /3x 20lbs x 15 / 3x12-15@each

Standing DB alt front delt raise / DB Alt biceps curl / curtsey lunge
7.5lbs x 20 @each /10lbsx12@each / 12@each
10lbs x15@each / 10lbs x 12@each / 12@each
10lbs x 15@each / 10lbsx12@each /15@each

2 rounds core:
Elbow side plank lift 10@each
RKC plank till fatigue
Hollow rock hold & side roll hold till fatigue @each

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Mobility warm up
Med band clams
Fire hydrant circle
Donkey kick
Bird Dog

BB Back Squat
65lbs x 12 - warm up
75lbs x 10 - felt good form
75lbs x 10
75lbs x 8

BB Hip Thrust (3 risers) / free standing med band side hip abdct 20@each
215lbs x 12
235lbs x 12
235lbs x 12
235lbs x 12

One Leg Press (weight @each)
3x10lbs x12@each

Lying One Leg Curl/ plate Walking lunges
20lbs x 15@each / 25lbs x 24 total reps
25lbs x 15@each / 25lbs x 24
25lbs x 15@each / 25lbsx24

Straight Legs Cable Pull Through
12.5lbs x 20
14lbs x 20
15lbs x 20 - ok

45° One Leg Hyper Ext

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Kettlebell Circuit Workout

3 rounds
KB Swing 20x
TGU 1@each
1 arm snatch 10@each
1 arm clean & Jerk 10@each
Bodyweight squat 10
KB One Arm Row 10@each
30" battle rope

18-22.5lbs for snatch,TGU & Long cycle
Used 44lbs swing
25lbs row

Sledgehammer 10@each
Sled push & pull - 4 rounds (135-155lbs?)

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Mobility warm up (at home)
Med band clams
Fire hydrant w med band
Donkey kick w ankle weight
One Leg glute bridge on ball
Band RDL

BB Deadlift
95lbs x 12- warm up
120lbs x 10
125lbs x 8
125lbs x 8

BB Front Squat / BB one Leg RDL
3x75lbs x 8 / 3x40lbs x 12@each

BB Hip Thrust (3 risers. / standing band hip abdct
205lbs x 12 / back kick 20@each
225lbs x 10 / back kick 20@ea
245lbs x 10 / side 20@ea
205lbs x 15/ side 20@ea

Seated Leg Curl /2 DB Side Lunges (dB eac hand)
3x60lbs x 15 /3x 15lbs x 12@each

Weighted 45° Hyper Ext

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Back, Shoulders and Arms

Here's today's Upper body workout. Mainly did machine stuff with some free weights for shoulder isolation and arms in the end. Plus squeezed in some core stuff too.

As usual, did some light leg stuff in between upper body sets.

Various Mobility Warm up
Stability ball roll out, core stability drill, etc

Peck deck rear delt flys/ peck deck chest fly
25lbsx 15 / 30lbs x 15
35lbs x 15 / 40lbs x 15
45lbs x 15 / 55lbs x 15

Hammer Wide Lat Pulldown / standing side hip abdct 20@each
50lbs x 12
50lbs x 10 - hard set
50lbs x 12-hard last 2 rep

3 reps machine assisted pullup last 2 sets (30lbs->25lbs)
Seated Cable Row / One leg hip thrust
3x27.5lbs x12 / 3x12@each (pause method)

3 reps machine assisted pullup (20lbs)

Hammer Iso Shoulder Press (weights@each side. / One Leg RDL w reach out (standing to Warrior 3 Yoga pose type)
15lbs x 12 / 12@each
2x17.5lbs x 10- hard last 2 reps /2x12@each

Push ups / Skater squat
3x5 (hold 1 sec bottom) / 3x10@each

Standing DB Side Delt Flys / alt dB hammer curl
3x7.5lbsx20 / 3x10lbs x 15@each

3 Rounds core:
Side elbow plank lift 12@each
Full plank & knee tuck 20-30 total

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Mobility Warm up
Band American Deadlift
Stability ball one Leg glute bridge
Stability ball hamstring curl
Fire hydrant circle
One Leg Hip Thrust

One leg lying ham curl

BB Hip thrust (on a low platform-maybe equal to 2 aerobic risers) / heavy band standing hip abct 20@each
135lbsx 20 - warm up
225x 12
235lbs x 12
235 x 12
235 x 12

BB Back Squat / 15-20 V up abs
55lbs x 15
65lbs x 12 - below parallel
70lbs x 12 - below parallel
70lbs x 11- below parallel -hard last rep

Leg Press (weight @each side) / bike abs 20
3x120lbs x 10

60lbs x 15
2x70lbs x 15

One Leg Ext

45° one Leg Hyper Ext
10 extra rep on right side

Kettlebell Circuit Workout

3 Rounds Circuit:
Push ups 10x
Figure of 8 to hold 20x total
Kb Swing 20x
1 Arm Half Snatch 10@each
Windmill 5@each
1 Arm KB Row 10@each
Knee to Elbow 15-20

Used :
18lbs for figure 8 & windmill
22.5lbs for half snatch
25lbs for row
35lbs for swing

KB Figure of 8 photo montage:

KB One Arm Half Snatch photo montage:

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Hip Thrust was quite tough in the beginning until I got my mind and body connection going!

Apparently 80lbs is my current 8 rep max Front Squat. I feel I could keep my form better with Front Squat than Back Squat.

BB Sumo Deadlift
65lbs x 12 - warm up
100lbs x 12 - warm up
120lbs x 12
125lbs x 10 - left grip weaker last 2 reps
130lbs x 8

BB Front Squat
65lbs x 12 - warm up
75lbs x 10- hard last 2 reps
80lbs x 8- bar positioning on left was a bit off
80lbs x 8 - better set - hard last 2 reps

BB Hip Thrust 5 risers/ seated double band hip abdct 20x
165lbs x 12
205lbs x 12
225lbs x 10
205lbs x 15 (pause rep last 3 reps)

Lying ham curl /1 DB Bulg SS on ham curl pad
60lbs x 15 / 12.55lbs x 12@each
60lbsx 13/ 15lbs x 15@each
60lbs x 12 / 15lbs x 12@each

Cable Hip Rotation - first time trying just for finisher
2x12.5lbs x20@each

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Back, Shoulders & Arms with light legs workout

I think I maxed out my machine assisted pull up..haha. I could barely pull myself up towards the end even after added more assistance.

Various Mobility Warm up
Stability ball roll out, core stability drill, etc

Bent Over DB Rear Delt Flys
5lbs x 20
2x7.5lbs x 15

BB Row / Standing Heavy Band Hip Abduction 20@each
45lbs x 15 - warm up
55lbsx 15
65lbs x 12
70lbs x 8
70lbs x 10

Hammer Wide Lat Pulldown
47.5lbs x 15
50lbs x 12
52.5lbs x 10- hard last 2 reps --> new weight record!
45lbs x 14- burnout set

BB Incline Chest Press
40lbs x 15 - grip too narrow
2x40lbs x 12- wide grip- better chest activation

Machine assisted pull up / Curtsey Lunge
25lbs x 7 -> 45lbs x 7 / 12@each
25lbs x 5 -> 45lbs x 5->55lbsx
5 /12@each

Note: 2nd set very fatigue

Seated DB Arnold Press (DB @each hand) / 45° hyper ext
15lbs x 12/ 15
15lbs x 15 / 15
15lbs x 12/ 15

Seated DB Overhead Triceps Ext / Incline One Arm DB Curl
15lbs x 15 / 10lbsx12@each
15lbs x 15 / 10lbs x 12@each - too hard to keep good form
15lbs x 15 / 7.5lbsx12@each

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Glutes & Legs

I didn't feel too energetic, nor in a mood of doing anything heavy so I kept things lighter with more reps. Not in the mood of doing any BB Squats either so did PliƩ Squat holding 1 DB horizontally. Totally quads and butt burner!

Mobility Warm up

One DB PliƩ Squat / One leg hip thrust on bench 12-15@each
20lbs x 15 - warm up
40lbs x 15 - warm up
55lbs x 12
65lbs x 12

BB Hip Thrust on bench / Seated heavy band Hip Abduction 20-30x
155lbs x 12
185lbs x 10
205lbs x 8 - hard set
165lbs x 13- started felt on hammies & adductors

Note: BB Hip Thrust on a bench is harder as I can't get my butt touching the floor without feeling a bit too uncomfortable.

Leg Press (weight @each side)
100lbs x 12
110lbs x 12 - hard set struggled last 2 reps
120 lbs x 10

One DB One Leg RDL / One DB Side Lunges
35lbs x 15@each / 20lbs x 15@each
45lbs x 12@each / 25lbs x12@each
45lbs x 12@each / 25lbsx12@each

Lying Leg Curl
65lbs x 12
65lbs x 12 ( used 60lbs last 5 reps)
60lbs x 12

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Kettlebell Circuit Workout

KB Interval 45" on / 20" off x3
1 arm swing to snatch (L.)
1 arm swing-snatch (R)
Burpee no push up
Push up
Dbl KB Alt floor press
Fwd & backwrd walking lunges
Alt one KB Row

Used 18-22.5lbs KB for most
25lbs for row

Heavy KB Swing 5x44lbsx15

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Glutes & Legs (burnout med rep/heavy)

BB Deadlift
100lbs x 12 - warm up
120lbs x 12 - warm up
125lbs x 12
125lbs x 8- hard - felt form might erode if pushed more

BB Back Squat
55lbs x 12 - warm up
65lbs x 12 - warm up
85lbs x 12
90lbs x 10- hard still had 1-2 reps in tank

BB Hip Thrust 5 risers/ side heavy band walk 15@each between sets
205lbs x 12
215lbs x 12
225lbs x 10
205lbs x 13

BB RDL / Weighted Bulg SS (weight @each side)
80lbs x 15 / 5lbs x 12@each
85lbs x 12 / 5lbs x 12@each
85lbs x 12 / 5lbs x 12@each

Lying Leg Curl
60lbs x 15
60lbs x 12
60lbs x 12

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Back, Shoulders and Arms with Light Glutes/Legs

Today's upper body workout with some light legs (focused on posterior chain such as One Leg Hip Thrust, Standing Side Hip Abduction, One Leg DB RDL) and a set of Skater squat towards the end.

Various Mobility Warm up
Stability ball roll out, core stability drill, etc

Incline DB Rear Delt Flys / incline DB chest flys
3x7.5lbsx20 / 3x10lbs x15

Hammer Wide Lat Pulldown/ standing side hip abdct 20@each
45lbs x 15- ok
50lbs x 12
50lbs x 12 - hard last 2-3

One Arm DB Row / Seated One Arm Arnold Press
3x25lbs x 15@each / 3x20lbs x 12@each (moved down to 15lbs last 5-6reps)

Note: So I tired out using 20lbs DB for single Arm Arnold Press - my left hand managed to do 5-6 reps before I had to switch down to 15lbs to finish off the reps - total 12 reps. My right obviously could do more but I'll use my weaker side as my max reps for now.

Incline DB Chest Press (DB @each) / one leg hip thrust (paused top method)
20lbs x 15 / 12@each
20lbs x 15 / 15@each
25lbs x10- hard last 2 esp left / 15@each

Note: I could do 25lbs DB Chest Press for at least 10 reps! :)

Incline Overhead Ez Curl Bar Triceps ext / Standing ez curl bar biceps curl
20lbs x 15 / 20lbs x 15
20lbs x 17 / 20lbs x 12
20lbs x 15 / 20lbs x 12

Note: I was going to try Incline Biceps Curl but realize I need to use a pair of DB not EZ Curl Bar..LOL so I had to do standing EZ Curl Bar Biceps Curl instead.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Mobility & bodyweight warm up

Lying Leg Curl
50lbs x 15
55lbs x 12
60lbs x 12

BB Front Squat / DB RDL
55lbs x 17 / 40lbs x 15 - warm up
75lbs x 12 / 40lbs x 15
80lbs x 10 / 60lbs x 15
85lbs x 8 / 80lbs x 15 (40lbs@ each hand)

BB Hip Thrust (3 risers) / standing heavy band hip abdc 30x
205lbs x 15
225lbs x 12
235lbs x 12
195lbs x 20 - hard last 5 reps

One Leg Press (weight @each side)
No weight x 15@each - testing
5lbs x 15@each
10lbs x 12@each
10lbs x 12@each

Note: felt a lot on ham/butt- right leg felt a bit burn above knee cap/tip of quad

Machine assisted pullup (started less assistance to more)
25lbs x 5 --> 45lbs x 7 (12 reps)
25lbs x 6 --> 45lbs x 8 (13 reps)
45lbs x 12 - straight pump up set

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Kettlebell Circuit

45" on / 20" off -3x interval
KB swing*
1 arm jerk (L) 22.5lbs
1 arm jerk (R)
Windmill (L) 15lbs
Windmill (R)
Push up to superman plank
KB Ab crusher (hollow rock to 4 Russian twist)

Sled Push 4x 200lbs x 20 yards

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Glutes & Legs Workout (high reps heavy weights)

BB Sumo DL
65lbs x 15 - warm up
105lbs x 15 - warm up
120lbs x 15 - a bit easy
125lbs x 12- challenging but doable - still have tank left for 3 more reps possibly but firm might erode - grips might losing it

BB Back Squat (nonstop reps)
75lbs x 15
80lbs x 12
85lbs x 12- hard last 2 reps

Note: BB Back Squat form might not be perfect so need to back off the weights.

BB RDL (focused PPT on top)
3x80lbs x 12 - need better left grip endurance

BB Glute Bridge / stabding heavy band hip abdct
145lbs x 25
215lbs x 15 - might not get much full ROM
215lbs x 15 - better set
195lbs x 20- hard last 5 reps

Lying One Leg Curl
3x25lbs x 12@each

One Leg Extension
25lbs x 12@each
25lbs x 15@each - skimped ROM last 2-3 on left leg
25lbs x 13@each

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Back, Shoulders and Arms

I mainly used machines for today's most upper body except some DB Arnold Press and some shoulder isolations.

Various Mobility Warm up
Stability ball roll out, core stability drill, etc

Incline DB Rear Delt Fly
5lbs x 20
2x7.5lbs x 15

T Row Bar (with ab pad)
25lbs x 15 - warm up
30lbs x 12
35lbs x 10
40lbs x 8

Hammer Wide Lat Pulldown
45lbs x 15- hard last 3 reps
45 x 15 - hard last 2-3 reps
45 x 12

Push Ups / one leg glute bridge on ball
3x10 / 3x12@each (iso hold top)

Standing DB Arnold Press / stability ball leg curl
12.5lbs x 15@each / 12
2x15lbs x 12@each / 2x12

Standing DB Lateral Delt raise / cable pull through
3x7.5lbsx20 / 3x 12.5lbsx15

Note: Tried this cable pull through - mimicking KB swing but it just wasn't the same but got nice stretch on my hammies.

Standing DB Front Delt Raise / DB Alt Curl
3x7.5lbs x 15 / 3 x 7.5-12.5lbs x 10-12

Some quick core stuff

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Glutes & Legs

I was not so energized this morning - more like mentally I think and I was going to take it easy.

Tried out BB PliƩt Squat (with bar on back)- not bad. I think I could only squat in wide stance like this with back squat style- Front squat I need to keep my feet no wider than shoulder width or even narrower to get full depth.

Then head over to Hip Thrust.

Low and behold: because of my bad math, I actually Hip Thrusted much heavier than I thought, even with the warm up set -LOL! I was thinking I loaded 165lbs as my activation set and added 10-15 lbs from there. Towards the end, I was like, hey I didn't start off 165 but 185lbs! (2x45lbs + 2x25lbs + 45lbs bar = 185lbs) - Hahahaha!! I was so glad I actually did those for 8-10 reps!

Leg Press - I went up to 120lbs (weight on each side) and got 10 reps! My left foot cramped up a bit afterward that I had to stretch it out. These were hard sets!

Then some little accessories and finished off with some bodyweight back workout.

Mobility & bodyweight warm up

BB PliƩt Squat (wide stance)
45lbs x 15 warm up
65lbs x 15
75lbs x 12
85lbs x 10

Lying Leg Curl
60lbs x 15
60lbs x 12
60lbs x 12

BB Hip Thrust (5 risers)
185lbs x 15
205lbs x 12
215lbs x 10
225lbs x 10
225lbs x 8

Leg Press (weight @each side)
100lbs x 15 - challenging set
110lbs x 12 - hard last 2 reps
120lbs x 10

Note: left foot felt tight- cramped- need to massage/stretched

BB Single Leg RDL / Weight plate Side Lunges
40lbs x 12 @each / 10lbs x 15@each
40lbs x 12@each / 10lbs x 12@each
40lbs x 15@each / 10lbs x 12@each

Reverse Body Rows (at squat rack)

Now my booty will surely feel it, especially the side glutes!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Kettlebell Circuit Workout & Core

KB Circuit
4 rounds
Db KB Cleans 10x
Db KB Half Snatch 10x
Db KB Jerk 10x
Band assisted pullup 10x
Side plank walk 10@each

Cleans,snatch,jerk no putting bells down (20lbs -> 18lbs last set)
Pull up (4x lt band -> 5-6x med band)

Core stuff - 3 rounds
Iso Side plank hold 20 breaths @each
Iso Plank hold 20-30 breaths

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Here's today's lower body workout. BAHT style for Deads and Back Squat - total killer..especially with superset. I totally understand now why only 4 sets and 4 exercises.

Hip Thrust only went regular set going heavy and after did heavy set I even didn't have much energy to do burn out sets but still did. Super hungry also!

I managed to do 15 reps with 120lbs - very hard last 5 reps though. I had to paused 1 sec at bottom before powering up. I might be able to squeeze one more rep but my form might erode. Geez even 2 sets DL warm up already taxing my cardio.

Various glute Mobility Warm up

BB Deadlift / DB Rev Lunge & Knee Up (weight on @side)
85lbs x 15 -warm up / 5lbs x 15@each
95lbs x 15- warm up / 10lbs x 15@each
115lbs x 15 / 15lbs x 15@each
120lbs x 15- ok weight / 15lbsx15@each

BB Back Squat / DB RDL
45lbs x 15 / 25lbs x 15 warm up (hold 1 weight plates)
55lbs x 16 / 50lbs x 15 (hold 2 weight plates) -warm up
65lbs x 16 / 35lbs x 15 (hold 2 DBs)
75lbs x 15 / 35lbs x 15 (hold 2 DBs)

BB Hip Thrust (4 risers) /heavy band standing side hip abdct
165lbs x 15 - iso hold
185lbs x 12hard last 2 reps
205 x 12- controlled eccentric
215 x 8 - iso hold
185lbs x 13- no iso hold -tired!

Seated One Leg Curl

One leg Lying Leg Curl
30lbs x 12@each (last 4 reps moved down to 20lbs)
20lbs x 15@each

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Back, Shoulders & Arms

Did similar rep range/sets style as my Tuesday lower body - heavy weights with high reps.

I took weights that I usually could do for 8-10 and pushed through 15 reps. Only main lifts - did 2 warm up sets for each main lifts and 2 working sets - trying out BAHT style. Very minimal rest other than switching/loading weight plates and recording my sets on my phone.

Such a killer! Hammer Shoulder Press destroyed me. Same as Hammer Wide Lat Pulldown. BB Row - I think I might skimp the last 2-3 reps to get full ROM.

Various Mobility Warm up
Stability ball roll out, core stability drill, etc

Standing DB Bent Over Rear Delt Fly / DB Chest Fly
3x7.5x15/ 3x7.5lbs x 15

BB Row
45lbs x 15- warm up
55lbs x 15 - warm up
60lbs x 15- hard last 2-3 reps
60lbs x 15 - hard last 5 reps (singles)

Hammer Wide Lat Pulldown
25lbsx 18 - warm up
35lbs x 17 - warm up
45lbs x 15- hard last 3 reps
45lbs x 15 - hard last 3 reps

Seated DB Shoulder Press (palm facing fwd)
12.5lbs x 18 - warm up

Hammer Iso Shoulder Press (weight @side)
15lbs x 16 -warm up
17.5lbs x 15 - hard last 5 reps
17.5lbs x 15- hard last 5 - almost failed last rep

Standing DB Lateral Delt Raise / Reverse Hyper on 9 risers
3x7.5lbsx20 / 3x20

Seated DB Overhead Triceps Ext / seated DB hammer curl
3x 12.5lbs x 15-20 / 3x 10lbs x 12

Core & Light Glutes
One Leg Hip Thrust (6 risers)
3x15@each (iso hold top last reps)

Elbow Side Plank Lift

Plank side walk
2 x 20 total

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Glutes & Legs Workout (heavy weights - high reps)

Basically today's workout were taking most of heavy weights that I usually do 10-12 and pushed to 15 or even a bit more if I still could have some in tank left but still could execute in proper form.

So I tested BAHT style set for my front squat. Holy crap, burning like hell but I got to get it over fast too..ha! Looks like 75lbs is my 15 hard reps.

Hip Thrust killed me. I had to lie there a bit after the lift to get over my little light headed..haha. People around me might wonder what the hell I did.

First time trying Rack pull. It's ok. Better than nothing and i didn't feel like doing Leg Press today.

Various Mobility Warm up

BB Front Squat (non stop - rest only changing weight)
45lbs x 15 - warm up
55lbs x 15 - warm up
65lbs x 17- pushed last 2!
75lbs x 15- hard last 5 reps

BB Hip Thrust (5 risers) - iso hold on last rep/heavy band walk
155lbs x 16- hard last 6 reps
165lbs x 15 - hard last 4 reps
185lbs x 12- hard reps -singles last 4 (had to adjust padding in middle rep)

BB Rack Pull / weighted bulg split squat (weight @side)
115lbs x 12 / 5lbs x 15@each
115lbs x 12 / 5lbs x 15@each
115lbs x 15 / 5lbs x 15@each

Seated Leg Curl / bodyweight side lunge 20 total
2x55lbs x 15 / 2x20
60lbs x 12 - good weight / 20x

19 sets total!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Kettlebell Interval Circuit

Today's KB was great. No weighted leg stuff for me. Butt is so sore probably from yesterday heavy BB Hip Thrust 205lbs for 10 reps on 5 risers. I usually do 8 for that but I pushed that last 2 & also kept butt tension entire time esp on the eccentric move.

Btw glad to hear you had a great run yesterday. It always motivating more to have a workout companion :)

Oh another thing: I PR on my half snatch! I could half snatch 25lbs for at least 8 reps on left!

45"on / 20" off x3
Double KB cleans (22.5lbs)
Double KB Jerk (22.5lbs->18lbs)
Push up & Side plank hold
1/2 TGU (L) 18lbs
1/2 TGU (R) 18lbs
1 Arm Half Snatch (L) 25lbs->22.5
1 Arm Half Snatch (R) 25lbs
KB Sling Shot 22.5-25lbs.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Glutes & Legs Workout

No BB squats (again) - all squat racks were taken so had to improvise with DB Squats. Not bad. A pair of 25lbs DB did a good job with the burn for all 3 sets of 15.
Just total 12 sets today.

Various glute Mobility Warm up

BB Sumo Deadlift
75lbs x 15 - warm up
95lbs x 15- ok
115lbs x 10- grip

BB American Hip Thrust (5 risers) /heavy band walk
145lbs x 15 - iso hold
185lbs x 10- hard last 2 reps
205 x 10 - controlled eccentric

One leg Lying Leg Curl / DB Squats (hold 2 DB-weight@each)
30lbs x 12@each /25lbs x 15
30lbs x 12@each / 25lbs x 15
30lbsx 12 @left ( moved down to 25lbs last 5 reps @left -25lbsx 12@right / 25lbs x 15

One Leg DB RDL (hold 1 DB)
25lbs x 12@each
25lbs x 15@each
25lbs x 15@each

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Back, Shoulders and Arms plus core stability finisher

Various Mobility Warm up
Stability ball roll out, core stability drill, etc

DB Prone Incline Rear Delt Fly / Incline DB Chest Fly
5lbs x 15 / 7.5lbs x 15
2x 7.5x12-15 / 2x12.5lbsx12

BB Row / heavy bands side walking 20@each side
50lbs x 15 warm up
60 x 12 - struggled last 2
60 x 12 - struggled last 2

Wide Lat Pulldown / Standing side Hip Abdct 20@each
45lbs x 10
45lbs x 12 - struggled last 2
45lbs x 10

Machine assisted Pullup (started off w less assistance then more assistance)
25lbs x 7> 35lbs x 4 -> 45lbsx4

One Arm Alt DB Arnold Press / reverse hyper on bench
2x12.5lbs x 15@each (seated)/ 2x20
12.5lbs x 15@each (standing) / 20

Standing DB lateral delt raise / bench one leg hip thrust
3x7.5lbsx15 / 3x12@each

Bench Close Grip Push Ups / standing alt DB Side curl
10 / 7.5lbs x 15 - too light
10 / 12.5lbs x 12 - good weight
10 / 12.5lbs x 12

Alternative DB Side Curl video reference (17:07):

Core Stability
10 elbow side plank walk @each
30 breaths V up ab iso hold
10 elbow front/back walk @each
30 breaths v up ab iso hold

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Various Mobility Warm up

Laying Leg Curl (warm up)

BB Deadlift
100 x 15 warm up
120 x 8
120 x 8

BB Front Squat / plank knee tuck
45lbs x 12 activation
80lbs x 8/ 20 total
80lbs x 9 / 30 total

Various glute activation

BB Hip Thrust on 5 risers/ seated heavy band hip abduction 20-30
155 x 12
165 x 12
185 x 8
185 x 10- 4 singles

BB RDL / Weighted Bulg Split Squat
3x80lbs x 12 / 3x10lbs x 12@each

Weighted 45° Hyper Ext
2x25lbs x 20

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Kettlebell Penthalthon and Circuit Training

KB Penthalton (5 min each / 3min rest)
One Arm Cleans (10kg) - got 80+ (max score is 80+) - meaning I could use more weight next time
One Arm Long cycle press (10kg) - got 36 - good weight (max score 60?)
One Arm Half snatch (8kg) - got 40 - ok weight (max score 60)
One Arm Clean & jerk (10kg) - got 52 - ok weight (max score 80)
First time doing sport style KB - not bad. Will definitely do these again to see how I'm doing. Eric I might screw up the max scores so feel free to chime in if I got it wrong.

Then I joined 9am crew for this bootcamp circuit:
Station Rotation (1 min each / 30 sec rest) x 3
360 mace
KB Sit Up
Med Ball slam
Crawl & sandbag drag
Kb Farmers Walk
Sled Chest Press
KB Sumo Deadlift

Another accomplishment: I tried to jump on a pull up bar and low and behold I could pull myself up!!!! - Tried it a couple times and after a while my grip got jacked up! haha but I was very happy that I got a taste on how to pull myself up without any assistance, although I can't do that yet from a dead hang. It's still a progress! Now my lats start feeling them!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Front squat:
Felt strong! I could do 2 sets of 10 now - with the depth like I did in the video.

Plate Loaded Squat Press
Is this the same machine as Leg Press? Both other Leg Press machines were being used so this was the only one left.

Various Mobility Warm up

BB Front Squat / Elbow side Plank Walk
45lbs x 12 warm up
80lbs x 10 / 20@each
80lbs x 8 /10@each
80lbs x 10 / 10@each

BB Hip Thrust on bench / seated heavy band hip abdct 20-30
135 x 12 - activation
155 x 10
165 x 8
155 x 10
145 x 12 -
135 x 15 - singles last 5

Plate Loaded Squat Press (weight on @each side)
75lbs x 12
80lbs x 12
85 lbs x 12

Lying Leg Curl / Bulgarian Split Squat
55lbs x 15 / 12@each
55x 12 / 12@each
55 x 12 / 12@each

Weighted 45° Hyper Ext
2x25lbs x 20

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Back, Shoulders and Arms

Rear delt flys / peck deck flys
3x40lbs x 12 / 3x 55lbs x 12

BB Row / double bands walking front & side
50lbs x 15 warm up
60 x 10
60 x 12- struggled last 2
60 x 10

One Arm DB Row / single leg hip thrust
3x30 lbs x 10each /3x 15@each

Standing DB Arnold Press / bench close grip push ups
12.5lbs x 12 / 3-5
12.5lbs x 12 / 5
12.5lbs x 10 / 5

Standing BB Front Shoulder Press
40lbs x 8
40lbs x 10 (push press last 2)
40lbs x

Machine assisted Pullup (started off w less assistance then more assistance)
25lbs x 6 -> 35lbs x 4 -> 45lbsx5
25lbs x 5 -> 35lbs x 4-> 45lbsx 5

Machine assisted chin ups (started off w less assistance then more assistance)
20lbs x 6 -> 30lbsx4->50x5

Standing DB Lateral Delt Raise / Standing DB Hammer Curl / stability Ball glute bridge
3x7.5lbs x 15 / 3x10lbs x 12 /2x20

Core & Abs
3x10 breaths Chaturanga hold
3x10 @each elbow plank walks
3x10@each superman plank

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Today's workout wasn't too snazzy. My right foot (see attached picture) felt some sharp pain when I did the deadlift or whenever I tried to shift most of my weight to the right or pressing my entire foot on the ground, which was most proponent when doing the deadlift.

Once in a while, I do feel it when I walk or stepping using my right foot or whenever I shift most of my weight there.

Hip Thrust - OK. I was going to do pyramid but then I started having cramps so no pyramid.

And I wasn't dare enough to do squats so no squatting and focused more on hammies and lunges.

My stomach was eating up itself since I woke up. I thought it got a bit better after I had 1 Tbsp coconut oil upon waking up with my hot tea but then in the middle of workout it started out again. Usually it felt better after I had whey but not today. Stomach felt better and not eating itself after I had my solid fat/protein meal 30 minutes later.

Oh well overall today's workout was quite light for lower body.

Various Mobility Warm up

BB Deadlift / standing side hip abdct 20@each
45lbs x 15 - mobility warm up
95lbs x 12- warm up
120 x 8 - base right foot felt hurt when pushing it down
110 x 8 - had to stop- bottom right foot felt pain when shifting weight on

BB Hip Thrust on 5 risers /seated heavy band hip abdct 20-30
135 x 12 - activation
3x165lbs x 10

BB RDL / Plate Rev Lunge
3x75lbsx12 / 3x25lbs x 15@each

Laying Leg Curl
3x55lbs x 12 (moved down to 52.5lbs last 3 reps 3rd set)

Leg Extension
1x60lbs x 15
2x65lbs x 12

Monday, June 2, 2014

20 minute interval high knees jump rope HIIT

1 minute max effort high knees jump rope / 1:30 rest (with 30 Mt. Climbers so not exactly 1:30 resting the whole time) x 8 rounds

I am super happy I could do unbroken high intensity high knees jump rope for most of my entire 1 minute! Roughly about 120-150 skips!

Then 3 sets of double band sumo and monster walk to burn some bootay!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

HIIT Circuit

3 Rounds (1 min each) / 30 sec rest
Hand to Hand Jerk (22.5lbs)
Sled wrestling (130lbs)
Tire Flip (120lbs)
Mace Grave Digger (30 sec@each)
KB OH Situp (22.5lbs)
Freestyle Battle Rope
KB Bear Crawl (54lbs@each)

Band Assisted Pullup practice
2 sets
Thin band 6x --> med band 6x

Exact same workout as May 18, 2014.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Various Mobility Warm up

BB Deadlift / standing side hip abduction 20@each
45lbs x 15 - mobility warm up
95lbs x 12- warm up
120 x 8
120 x 9 - HARD last rep
120 x 8

BB Front Squat / OH Situp (Get up and slowly coming down while holding a weight plate overhead)
45lbs x 10 - activation set
75lbs x 10 /10lbs x10
80lbs x 8- hard! / 10x10
80lbs x 8 / 10x10

BB Hip Thrust on bench (hold top ) /seated heavy band hip abduction 20-30
135 x 12 - activation
3x165 x 8 - singles

Plate Walking Lunges / Plate single leg RDL
3x25lbs x 20 / 3x25lbs x 12@each

45° Single Leg Hyper Ext

Seated Leg Curl

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Back, Shoulders, Arms and Core and Light Butt

Rear delt flys / peck deck flys
35 x 15 / 45lbs x 15
2x40lbs x 12 / 2x50lbsx12

BB Row / med band standing hip abdct 20-30@each
40lbs x 15 warm up
60 x 12
60 x 10
60 x 10

Machine assisted Pullup (started off w less assistance then more assistance)
30lbsx 6-> 40lbs x 6 -> 50x3 (15 reps total)
30lbsx 6-> 40lbs x 6 -> 50x3 (15 reps total)

Wide Lat Pulldown (weight @each side)
3x45lbs x 8

Seated DB Arnold Press / reverse crunch
3x15lbs x12 / 3x12

Standing DB Front shoulder Press (palm facing front/ reverse hyper on bench
3x15lbs x 10 / 3x15

BB Close Grip Tris Bench Press / Standing BB Curl
50lbs x 10 / 20lbs x 12
50lbs x 8 / 20lbs x 10
50lbs x 8 / 20lbs x 10

Standing DB Lateral Delt Raise / Standing DB Hammer Curl / Decline SitUps (#2)
3x7.5lbs x 15 / 3x10lbs x 12 / 3x15

Butt & glute floor works
Stability Ball Glute Bridge 3x15
Bird Dog 3x12@each

Core & Abs
3x10 breaths Chaturanga hold
3x 20-30 breaths RKC plank
3x20-30 breath side plank hold @each

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

20 minute countdown walk/sprint

20 min walk/sprint HIIT

9 sets various light glute activations

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Various Mobility Warm up

BB Deadlift / standing side hip abdct 20@each
95lbs x 12- warm up -ok!
115 x 8
115 x 10
120 x 8 - NEW PR!

BB Rev Lunge / BB RDL
3x70lbs x 12@each / 3x70lbs x 12

BB Back Squat / 20-30 breaths plank hold
80lbs x 10
85lbs x 8
85lbs x 8-paused at bottom a bit - hard but doable!

BB Hip Thrust (hold top ) /seated heavy band hip abdct 20-30
155 x 12 - 5 risers
185 x 10 - 5 risers
185 x 10- singles last 3 (5risers)
2x 205 x 10- singles last 2-3 reps (3 risers)

Seated Leg Curl
4x55lbs x 12 ( last set moved diwn to 50lbs last 3 reps to get full ROM)

Monday, May 26, 2014

20 minute interval high knees jump rope with plank knee rollin as rest

1" on / 1:30" off - 8 rounds
High knees jump rope 1"
Plank knee slide in on rest

Average HR 130bpm
Max HR 154bpm

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Kettlebell Circuit Workout

Intv 45"on / 20" rest x3
Double KB Sumo dead (44lbs @each arm)
Double KB bent over Row (25lbs @each)
1 Arm jerk (L) 22.5lbs
1 Arm jerk (R) 22.5
Goblet Rev Lunge - jump lunge 22.5lbs
Windmill (L) 18lbs
Windmill (R) 18lbs
Reverse crunch

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Various Mobility Warm up

BB Deadlift / standing side hip abdct 20@each
95lbs x 12- warm up -ok!
105x 10
2x115 lbs x 8

BB Back Squat / 20-30 breaths plank hold
3x80lbs x 8- paused at bottom a bit below parallel- hard but doable!

BB Glute Bridge (2 risers) -hold / standing med band hip abdct 20-30@each
135 x 29
165 x 15
185 x 12
205 x 10
185 x 12

BB RDL / BW Bulg Split Squat
3x75lbs x 12 / 3x12@each

Prone Lying Leg Curl
3x55lbs x 12

Note: Low key workout - hip crease & adductors are tight

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Back, Shoulders and Arms & Core Stability and Light Glutes

Prone incline DB Rear delt flys / incline DB chest fly
3x7.5lbsx12 / 3x 10-12.5lbsx12

BB Row / med band sumo walk 20@each direction
2x60lbs x10 hard last 2 reps

Machine assisted Pullup (started off w less assistance then more assistance)
25lbs x 4 -> 35lbs x 5 -> 45lbs x 6
25lbs x 6 -> 35x3->45x4

Standing DB Arnold Press / Decline Sit Ups
3x12.5lbs x 15 / 3x15

Standing DB Front shoulder Press (palm facing front/ reverse hyper on bench
3x12.5lbs x 12 / 3x 15

Standing DB Lateral Delt Raise / Standing DB Alt Biceps Curl
3x7.5lbs x 15 / 3x10lbs x 12

Lying DB Triceps Ext / Seated DB Hammer Curl
3x10lbs x12- hard last 2 reps / 3x10lbs x 12

Butt & glute floor works
Stability Ball Glute Bridge 3x12
Lying side hip abdct 3x30@each
Bird Dog 3x12@each

Core & Abs
3 rounds
30-40 sec RKC plank (20-30 breaths)
20-30 breath side plank hold @each
20 plank knee tucks

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

20 minute countdown walk/sprint

A great way to start off my Hump Day!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Various Mobility Warm up

BB Deadlift / standing side hip abdct 20@each
95lbs x 12- warm up -ok!
110lbs x 10
115 lbs x 7 - lost concentration last rep- need to watch out!
115 x 8 - WOOT!!

BB Split Squat
3x70 x 12@each

BB Back Squat
3x80lbs x 8- paused at bottom a bit below parallel- hard but doable!

BB Hip Thrust (bench) -hold top / seated heavy band hip abct
145 x 12
3x165 x 8
145x12- hard finisher- more singles

Note: hip thrust felt challenging today

3x75lbs x 12

Seated Leg Curl
55lbs x 15

Leg Ext

Monday, May 19, 2014

20 minute interval KB Swing with plank knee rolls as resting

1:30 hard effort 35lbs KB Swing / 1 min low intensity sliding plank knee tuck w a rug - 8x

Stability Ball Rollout /various BW Glute activation
3x12 / 3x15-20